[Suggestion] Composite armor needs buff

Discussion in 'MAX' started by GImofoJoe, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. GImofoJoe

    Fully upgrade for 5% DR, ridiculous amount of cert pts. Freaking 5%!!!??? Are you kidding me!? Max get pwn by small arms pretty darn quick already by default, cost resource, long cooldown.... Needs better balance. All that steel armor get demolished by 2.5 clips of assault rifle makes no sense, unrealistic. Hard to take cover when you're so damn slow and big.
  2. Quiiliitiila

    We hear yah, every MAX user on these forums all share the same rage...

    I play a ridiculously defensive MAX, I use cover and I retreat when my health gets to 1/2 or lower. However I still get shredded by the occasional LA or medic who decided to unload a clip at me. Plus the fact that we take 200% more damage when getting shot in the head? WTF?!

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  3. Krona

    I know when I design advanced powered exosuits, I leave the head SUUUPER vulnerable to make it fair for the bad guys.
  4. Gary

    Certifications are there not to make you clearly more powerful but to grant very slight advantages. In general the MAX units feel very squishy for the amount of fire they draw. Upping a Cert is not the way to correct this as it grants a blatant advantage to those who take it!
  5. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    I don't know about you, but when Infantry get 25% health for certs, I don't quite see how more than 5% damage reduction against one damage type is potentially overpowered.
    Not that that'd actually fix the problem at hand.
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  6. Stigler

    With the amount of times you get hit by grenades and rocket launchers, not to mention C-4 and mines how effective is flak armor vs infantry for overall survivability. I only have the 4% reduction and nothing in Flak and I am considering seeing if overall survivability is similar with Flak armor? And will it save you from mines?

    Is there a Max base reduction to small arms fire?

    I am curious if anyone has experience with both maxed out armors? I am thinking of going for max Flak armor vs getting the last 1000 5% vs small arms? I play a little more as AA than AI
  7. SinerAthin

    I agree.

    I'd take 20% resistance vs Small Arms(as default, no certs required).(I don't mind the damage explosives/rockets do to us, they are supposed to kill us after all)
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  8. Trysaeder

    I can tell that there's no one here who actually owns maxed level composite. There is a noticeable difference with and without it, especially if you've bought more than two levels before trying it out.

    80% resistance, certable up to 85%. Each "1%" figure is actually increasing your visible resistance by 5% for a 25% increase.

    Same type of thing with flak armour, which is why it's not the same -50% as the infantry version.
  9. MaxDamage

    Yeah, each 1% is actually 5%. Badly worded.
  10. GImofoJoe

    Wait...are you saying if you max out 5 levels, you get +25% instead of 5%?? Was the description wrong? Have you test it? Where did you get this info from?
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  11. UnDeaD_CyBorG

    No, the description is sort of correct.
    It reduces damage taken by 1% per level.
    However, MAX suits have a base resistance of 80% against small arms fire, so the 5% you can gain from kinetic armor reduce the damage you take by 85% total;
    5% is 25% of 20%, so to say.^^

    Example: You take 100 Damage from a Rifle. Without upgrades, the damage you actually take is reduced by 80%, to 20.
    With Maxed Kinetic Armor, it is reduced by 85% to 15; 20->15 is an effective 25% reduction.
  12. Quiiliitiila

    It's still not really worth it though... Just this morning I went toe to toe with a TR heavy, he had the min-gun, and I had dual cosmos's. He just stood there with his shield up and fired, didn't even move! I on the other hand was forced to retreat while hammering him... I died before I could take cover, he however still had half his shields.

    Would composite armor have helped? Maybe, but not much. Infantry weapons do so much damage to MAX units that it's laughable. That min-gun should have just been making funny pinging sounds as he shot me with it, instead he out DPSed me and outlived me with his shield. THAT is sad.

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