[Suggestion] Competitive Arenas for EU

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gazatron, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. Gazatron

    Can EU please get their own server for competitive stuff like Jaeger?

    There are some dedicated players who are trying to get Planetside onto a competitive level but for EU players the ping on Jaeger and the Test Server is so difficult to play with especially when your against those with bad connections to begin with.

    Ok so we have Jaeger. Which is fine for NA players and those who have fantastic internet connection in EU (lucky Germans).

    EU players on the other hand who dont have great connections...it sucks.

    I'm in England and as many know its not the best, I have fibre optic connection with a 40Mbs speed but it rarely reaches about 35Mbs. So my connection is bad by any standards but I struggle with the high ping.

    I am not the only one either so any comments back, please dont say its L2P cause its really not.


    Can we use the now decommissioned EU servers such as Woodman or Ceres? Please??
  2. IvanCGray

    Supported. No real reason not to let Europe have it's own events. More publicity and public awareness for SOE and Planetside = More revenue, alongside happier Europeans able to play effectively at a comp level. Win-win, SOE.
  3. illithic

    Okay then Briggs too. At least EU gets below 200 ping to Jaegar. AUS/Oceania gets 250+.
  4. IvanCGray

    ^^^ Go for it. Have a Pacific competitive circuit available, provided there's enough interest.
  5. Gazatron

    Make your own thread fool :p this is for EU

    I dont know whether AUS will get one though cos it seems the vast majority of the player base is NA and EU

    But I'm all up for Briggs having their own. I dont know whether AUS had any decomimssioned servers but EU has/had 2.