Commissioner vs. Underboss

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by krokolop, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. player16

    the amp is so superior to the standard tr pistol with good ping that it will make you laugh. just the ability to shoot back even if it was not with a commissioner oh la are being nerfed all classes are but i guess that after 1 year one brick will not be enough! as a tank driver i hate when i have my tank at full health and i am blown up by a noob with 2 bricks of c4 instead of an engineer that fights in those fields with 3 mines. while i am blowing up the enemy spawn points and killing their infantry so they can hold at least. i hate that i have a lot of fun with light assault by flying over parked mags but is not the fight tr!
  2. Liewec123

    the underboss is 100% better for my playstyle, but i bought the commissioner instead, i mean...look at it!
  3. player16

    what that was moved to thread if medics could dual wield a pistol and applicator, it is far from discussion.
  4. Yuki10

    depends on your accuracy.

    If your aim is good - use commissioner (hits hard, but slow)
    If your aim is bad - use udnerboss (quicker firing,)
  5. player16

    i have the 500 certs for the two classes stored somewhere for that nerf, just my la have 2 i use to blow enemy tanks in towers. I love nc guns at medium long range best of all, up close i can kill two with a magazine... lovely... and i am tired of having a single jerk blow up my tank i have 3 mines they are too small maybe now, when i want to blow up someone i place mines!
  6. player16

    amp teen times better than the standard tr pistol, but ten in handling the only thing upper recoil just press right button recoil gone, ten times better than the three burst pistol but teen!
  7. Taemien

    If you need to be able to kill one person reliably. Underboss seems good. If you get in fights where two may need to go down, Commissioner all the way.

    I use the Commissioner myself. I appreciate the Underboss, but truth be told, I haven't been killed by it often enough to remember having faced it.