Commissioner-Knife combo is on the verge of extinction...

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Owen W., Apr 13, 2014.

  1. Owen W.

    On the test server, the Commissioner-Knife combo no longer works, due to the damage done by the standard knife being lowered to 500 damage.

    This also means that possibly 3 knife swipes will be needed to kill a nanoweave user.

    But here's the thing which takes the cake: the option to have it back is another knife for your character which cost 1000 certs or 700 Station Cash. This new knife (which would replace the old standard one) does the same damage as the basic knife currently on live.

    I SAY: B.S.

    I don't want to have to pay 7$ to be able to keep using my Commissioner/Underboss-Knife combo.

    firefalcon124, ForumSiding since Febuary 2014.
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  2. Lyrencropt

    3:00 or so. Knife isn't affected by nanoweave.

    Can you explain more about this new knife? It has to have some disadvantage compared to the old knife, right? If it doesn't, that's crap and goes against the sidegrade-oriented system we have in place.
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  3. Matixzun

    Sound like Pay To Win to me.
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  4. Van Dax

    read patch notes buddy.

    quick knifing is being lowered to 500, knife as a separate weapon will do normal. nanoweave does nothing versus knives.
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  5. Owen W.

    Still doesn't excuse this new "Pay to Win" knife. That knife is capable of Commissioner-knife killing, as it does higher damage.
  6. Owen W.

    The new knife for 7$ does more damage but has a lower "firerate". This is at least the impression I get from the test server.
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  7. Lyrencropt

    Fire rate means basically nothing for the knife, since almost no one does a two swing kill unless they're trying to be extra sneaky or are out of ammo. 95% of my 800 knife kills are shoot>swing combos. This is a sad cash grab by SOE. Thanks for sharing.
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  8. Owen W.

    Just shows how desperate SOE seem to be getting, sadly.
  9. Lyrencropt

    They could just as easily change the current knife to be the "new" one (with the lower firerate and the 625 damage) and make a "new" quicker knife that does 500. That would be far more reasonable. You shouldn't take away what players already have and offer it back for a cost.
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  10. z1967

    Or a back stab knife. Like what has been suggested only 9 3/4 [large -illion number] times by the Infiltrator forums...
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  11. JP_Russell

    So if the default knife is going to be 500 damage for the quick knife and 625 for the wielded version, what benefit does the purchasable knife have when wielded?

    Also, what is the fire rate difference between the two knives, anyway? I don't have the test server client.
  12. Paperlamp

    Is there an equip time for the new knife? I wonder you could just macro it somehow, equip + swipe. You'd have to swap back to weapon again, but whatever.

    It's a really uncalled for change though, knife was fine.
  13. firewolf

    I don't really see a problem with this. Average infantry have 1000 affective health. (500 shields 500 health) If the quick knife is lowered to 500 damage this means the standard knife is still a 2 shot kill.

    And for the commish/knife combo all you need to do is aim and shoot them in the head and it wont matter how much damage your knife does. I think this will be a decent change as it means the infils that just come up behind you with a quick comish knife combo would have to actually aim for your head if they want you dead instantly.

    So all in all the combo will still exist you will just have to aim now.
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  14. Lyrencropt

    You're missing the point. If they want to nerf the combo, that's one thing, but re-introducing it with another knife that does the same thing and costs 1000 certs/700 SC is messed up.
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  15. David Lancaster

    You can do that with the underboss too, there is no reason to get commissioner now.
  16. Iridar51

    The info in this thread is so controverted that I won't touch it until I see some patch notes.

    That said, I approve that they are doing at least something with the knife system. Quick knife in itself is a bad idea, it was an adequate placeholder, but now is the time to make it right.

    Personally, I don't like the idea of quick knife low damage / equipped knife high damage. Seems just weird. It's the same knife that you have to take out of its sheath, it's the same hand that strikes, why the damage or strike speed should be any different?

    If I were to design a melee attack system I would've done it this way (link to the roadmap post)
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  17. phreec

    In what sense? If it's still purchasable with certs it's like any other weapon in this game...
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  18. z1967

    Idk, one shot HS against infils, Highest alpha damage in the realm of pistols, 3 shot out to render distance IIRC... Sounds like a pretty good side arm to me.
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  19. Maljas23

    Taking away what we already have right now to put a money/cert wall behind it sits perfectly fine with you?
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  20. Ravenorth

    Someone posted these on reddit, it shows the amount of bullets needed for all sidearms with the new knife damage nerf, nanoweave included.

    Pre nerf


    Post nerf
