Commando cloaker?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Xocolatl, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Xocolatl

    Is it possible to have such build? Has anyone ever tried anything like it? I think Infils only have slow shooting guns, but it would seems like a horribly fun idea.
  2. yama

    What I do is plying cqc with an Artemis, two proximity mines, a grenade and my trusty force blade.
    Usually take 5-10 with me before I die a glorious death.
  3. PieBringer

    In before Infiltrator Suit Modification providing resistance to ranged weapons and increased melee damage and speed. (but reducing effectiveness of the wearer's own ranged weapons. Cause EVERYTHING has to be balanced, now doesn't it.)
  4. Xocolatl

    Nope. I don't mind being squishy--I have stealth to balance that out already.

    I want to be able to sneak into opposing base and go after the structures, mainly. I don't care much for CQC. So...not sure if Proximity mines would be what I'm looking for. I suppose INF has C4 too?