Comin' back

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xGreedFuSioN, Sep 17, 2013.

  1. IamDH

    (picture stolen from ItsJustDash)
  2. wolfva

    The mountain climbing chassis lasted past beta; I had it when I left in April. Since I didn't say anything about removing weapons and redoing cert trees I unfortunately can't quench your curiosity, although I'll keep the insults cut out. I'll even go as far as to admit I was more insultive then the situation required, but you handled it quite maturely.

    I don't know what changes happened in my absence. I DO know there were a lot of changes. I also know that many of the things I certed in apparently no longer exist, or were changed. I also know I didn't get a refund for the certs I lost in those changes, but I'm ok with that as I wasn't here contributing to the game or it's growth so it's no biggie. The cost of leaving and all that. Besides, I don't play for certs, I play for fun.

    If you really want to understand, though, I'd suggest leaving for several months and paying no attention to the game, then returning. The game will seem brand new to you, and you'll be shocked at how much it's changed.

    And, if you're like me, probably annoyed when some BR3 kicks your hiney in an air duel. I mean, c'mon! I've always sucked at air combat, but a BR3?!? <sigh>

    And out of curiosity....WHAT THE HECK IS ZOE?!? BAH! Ya dang kidz wi' yer dang intranetz lingo!
  3. Lucidius134

    "Beta Update (2012/11/14)

    • Performance Upgrades are now setup in packages."
    When the game launched everyone had their characters wiped. That was a month later.