Combat Medic: Issues and Suggestions

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Jikkan, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Jikkan


    The past four or five days I have switched servers and faction and I have dedicated all of my playing time on this new character to a single class: The Combat Medic. I like my new faction and class, but unfortunately my experiences so far have been soured by the issues below.

    I would very much appreciate someone taking a look at this and setting it straight, because as it is now, I often find myself ragequitting over these issues.

    Issue #1: Thieving Medics

    Revives work like this: You find a dead person, beam them with your Medical Applicator, a circle pops up and when it has completed a cycle (revive-cycle), the person being revived (hereby referred to as the patient) changes their pose (to a "ready to get up" pose) and receives a dialog if they want to accept your revive or not.

    Here is the problem: At this point another medic can begin reviving the patient. This will overwrite your initial revive denying you points while delaying the patient (they have to wait for the other medic to complete their revive-cycle before they can accept it). If the thieving medic is taken out while attempting their theft, they risk not being revived at all.

    The first medic at the scene, that takes the greatest risk and makes sure that the revive can happen in the first place, are at a disadvantage. Players are quick to respawn so you have a very limited time to get to a patient and revive them, while avoiding being killed by whatever took out the patient.

    If the initial medic is able to successfully survive and revive the patient, they are vulnerable to thieving medics that will steal their heard earned points. You can't defend yourself from this by attempting to steal back revives either, which I have tried in frustration. The reason is that a full revive-cycle has to complete before a new can start and the patient is often quick to accept the second dialog to avoid further delays. Not that I blame them, it's bad enough to get delayed once.

    It is a waste of time for all involved. It is redundant. It is stealing. More than anything, it is extremely frustrating.

    I would also like to point out that the thieving medic could spend their time doing something else that would be far more useful to the team. Like shooting someone. Or healing someone that doesn't have twenty medics on them.

    My suggestion to fix this issue: Only allow one complete revive-cycle per patient. Once a medic has completed a revive-cycle on a patient and that patient has been presented with a dialog to accept, that should be the last time any medic is able to start a revive-cycle on them until they revive or respawn and die again.

    Issue #2: Points not registering: Heals and Revives.

    When I heal or revive someone I am not always awarded points, despite being able to successfully complete the support action and not being robbed of points by another medic. This does not necessarily happen in a 100v100 battle either, but regularly happens to me in places that are mostly deserted except for me and the patient.

    I assume this is a technical issue that will be looked at and I hope to see improvement in it soon.

    Suggestion #1: Reward support actions incrementally.

    Currently, if you are healing a patient you are rewarded at set amounts of healing. If you don't reach that amount of healing, you don't get rewarded at all, despite increasing that patients chance to survive better on the battlefield.

    I would really like to see rewards scaling incrementally like the healing does. Since healing doesn't happen in set chunks of health, why should points be awarded like that?

    Medics that would otherwise ignore someone hurt a little would get an incentive to do their job. Medics in general would be rewarded more appropriately for the work they put in.

    Suggestion #2: Inform the patient of the quality of the revive.

    When a Patient is being revived, they should be able to see the quality of the Medical Applicator that revived them. Or more to the point, the amount of health they can except to revive with should they choose to accept.

    This is helpful to both medics and patients. The patient will know how much health they can except to get revived with and will get an incentive to accept revives more often if they are high quality revives. In turn granting medics more points for reviving and benefiting the team by wasting less time respawning and getting back in the fight.
    • Up x 1
  2. amokpaule

    You have good points here.
  3. LazyBoot

    Agree with most of this.
    However from what I understand, issue #2 seems to mostly occur if the "patient" has been the victim of friendly fire...
  4. Trysaeder

    Let me get this straight, if some scrub gets to my body before a proper medic, I have to accept his revive or go back to the respawn building? No thanks. With the current system I just decline all revives despite being a medic myself, unless I see a name I recognise in the feed.

    You don't get experience for undoing friendly damage for obvious reasons. Yes, THAT many deaths are the result of friendly fire. I often hear on voice chat "holy crap, everyone here has died to friendly bullets".

    A very minor issue in my opinion, as the time taken to switch weapons is probably a far more significant consideration than the experience people may receive. I see no harm in reducing the size of the ticks, but if it comes at the expense of server performance then I'd rather not see it happen.

    This has been asked for a million times, so the devs probably know about it. All we can do is sit and hope they implement at least SOME variant of this.
  5. Jikkan

    Yes! : D

    I see. Then that is not a problem because it is an anti-griefing mechanic.
    It's an annoyance but as you say, server-performance is probably a concern.

    Good to hear. I hope they get around to it.
  6. }{ellKnight

    IMO you should allow other revive-cycles if the patient denied the the revival attempt. So basically you can have one revive active at a time that can't be overwritten until the patient denies it. If they deny it then they can get a new one and so on.

    All the other suggestions I agree with.
  7. Jikkan

    You are right. That is better, and it also solves the problem that Trysaeder brought up which I too hastily dismissed.