Combat medic - a balance of power

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by Orange, Jun 4, 2013.

  1. Orange

    Considering my somewhat ambiguous title probably didn't give it away, I have a question about combat medics as they are currently and am hoping to start a discussion.

    Do you think the medic medical applicator(normal point and click heal/revive) is too strong in it's current state? If so, what would be an appropriate way to fix it? If not, why?

    I currently play medic solely and spend most of my time healing players with a small focus on clowning enemies when appropriate. I enjoy my role but it's felt a bit off and I haven't been able to conjure the correct thoughts to explain it. After a recent comment in another thread, it occurred to me that said feeling was the medi-tool being too powerful. A single medic with fully certed medi-tool is powerful by itself, let alone multiple medics working together, and resurrecting each other constantly.

    My suggested solution for this is a limit to the medi-tool such as a cooldown like the nano-repair tool, an ammo counter, or even just a reload needed after x amount of healing or x amount of revives.

    By adding a limitation to the medi-tool, it would add some more challenge/depth to being a combat medic. It might even resolve other issues such as the experience limit on healing/resurrection, tone down zerging enemies, and add more value for having more medics.

    I'd like to know what you all think; I'm sure there are a myriad of good ideas within this community.

    tl:dr - Combat medic medi-tool feels too strong currently, possible added limitation to increase challenge, hopefully improve infantry combat flow.
  2. Noxuz

    In my opinion the med-tool is fine right now. A fully certed med tool requires a substantial cert investment and therefore only players who are dedicated to the class will carry one. Of course, this isn't saying that the fully certed med-tool is rare on the battlefield but its current strength is needed due to the limited number of people playing the medic class extensively. When I jump into squads, whether they be outfit platoons or pub platoons, medics are always limited in number. There are usually one, maybe two, medics in a squad. Also, these medics may not be certed into and as such, have a severely stunted capability. So in short: the strength of the medic-tool, especially when fully certed, is needed due to the smaller number of people who play the medic class when compared to other classes.
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  3. kennonfodder

    I think the med-tool is fine, people die so often (and respawn) in this game its just sick. You need a cleanup lady taking care of all the casualties :)

    As a medic you face other setbacks, you dont have a special ability like jump jets, a heavy shield or a cloaking device. The K/D ratio of a normal medic is way below that of a heavy or max, so a very strong med tool compensates a bit here

    Like Noxus said before me:
    We are the least played class :(
  4. DeadLamb

    yeah but you need to to ask yourself how does this help players have fun in game? People who are dead or badly hurt are facing sitting around waiting to respawn, as in boring. The ENG tools works with a cool down due to balancing over all life of the gear it fixes and the fact that you can lose your gear and still fight on foot.

    If SOE wanted to offer more depth to the class then they would need to add something else to do, not limit what can already be done.

    Like given the medic tool a projectile that shoots out for a revive when one zooms in with it. Maybe even make it cost resources and limit how many times one could do it before a resupply but it would just add "something else" to do.. Could also offer some sort of disposable medic gun that revived/healed at a high rate but after X amount of use had to be resupplied. Letting lower level medics gain revive power but at the cost of effort to resupply it vs cert cost.. Oh and of course the old classic of some sort of health "gun" that lets you run around shooting health darts into people or whatever.

    also have the option of some sort of healing stations, I saw some blip about maybe having medics offer some sort of spawning point option.. lots of way to tinker with the class that avoid people not being healing, not being revived and just wait for respawn (again, boring) being the medic is "on cool down"..
  5. Caserion

    If you see a guy reviving someone, it's very easy to kill him and the guy he just revived and the medic himself. Sure, it only takes 2 seconds to revive, but it also takes so long to kill someone + the fact he has to grab his gun before shooting you.

    It's a risk which is rewarding, if succesfull you have a new body roaming around, should it fail, then the medic is dead and so is the one he revived.

    I actually like enemy combat medics for that reason, killing the newly revived guy and killing the medic afterwards which equals free certs, it can be annoying not being enabled to thin out a group of enemies if they got it defended in the right way, but in the end, you could also carry a combat medic around.
  6. Slaidd

    The medic tool is fine as is. The only thing on the CM that needs to be changed is triage. This needs to be overhauled to be worth certing out, right now its not.
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  7. TheKhopesh

    I think the heal speed should be the same as the current revive speed for each stage.
    The revive speed is perfect, not so long (in the higher levels) to make it a huge bother, not too fast as to make it OP.

    It just seems that bringing back someone from the great beyond should not take less time than just fixing some simple superficial tissue damage.

    Level 6 applicator:
    Revives in 1.5 seconds.
    Fully heals from 5 hp out of 500 in 2.75 seconds.
    (Approximately, tested it a few times using a stopwatch and a friend.)
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  8. Takoita

    IMHO, the only problem with medic currently is triage. Healing grenades seem a bit too useless - especially when compared with revive grenades. And, possibly, the gimped projectile dysfunction of the UBGL.
  9. Mostadio

    Triage isn't even a problem. If it had never made it into the game nobody would complain about it, if they took it out of the game and refunded certs spent in it, nobody would complain.
  10. Slaidd

    Triage isn't a problem, it needs to be changed to be actually useful and worth certing into. The reason no one would complain if they took it out, is because 99% of the people that play CM didn't waste any certs into it in the first place.
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  11. Mostadio

    There are a plethora of suggestions to make it useful, but if it was never there to begin with, would anyone even suggest these things? It should just be removed entirely and anyone who put certs into it gets refunded. We're fine as it is, we really don't need an xp fountain that people stand next to and get healed or some other nonsense.
  12. Slaidd

    I play CM without triage, so I can't say I wouldn't play it without something there. But it would be nice to have some kind of utility there we can cert into. And believe me when I say, I'm just FINE with an xp fountain. Wouldn't bother me in the least.
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  13. zaspacer

    Fully Certing the Medic Tool is pretty cheap:
    Medic Tool = 690 Certs
    Engineer Tool = 740 Certs
    Infiltrator Tool = 1780 Certs

    Especially when you factor in the lower Cert requirements for the Medic Class overall:
    Ability = 291 Certs
    Passive System = pretty bad = don't bother
    First Aid = redundant = not needed
    No Rocket Launcher slot

    I main an Infiltrator, and I maxed out my Tool on my Medic alt right away because it was cheap and very good.

    I'm not saying that Med Tool is too easy to Cert into or that it is overpowered. I think the Med Tool SHOULD be cheap to Cert into because (1) a lower Certed Med Tool is really bad for the Team and (2) the Med Tool is the main power of a Medic and the Class should be able to get into it early in the game.

    But I still don't think it takes a substantial Cert investment.
  14. Makora

    As much as I feel that the med-tool is "fine" I have to agree to something... like an ammo system. Now this could be resupplied at any terminal (engineer ammo packs kinda negate this idea). Or yeah, a cooldown. But the tool works wonky. With a max-rank tool. It takes longer to heal someone to full health then it does to revive someone. One was alive, the other was dead. It's wonky.

    This would become a need issue when/if triage is remade. Medics already have two class-specific tools at their disposal. You also have all class injectors. There's just... and I know this will sound weird. Way too much healing going around. With so much healing, the slightest feeling of "danger" evaporates. And danger is what causes people to think about tactics and strategy.
    Easiest example is attacking a room. If you have nothing to fear, you charge in. If you know there's someone in there, you are more careful and better prepared. Same can be applied to larger groups. If you feel safe, you are much more likely to zerg.
  15. ghnurbles

    Definitely agree, a cooldown or the like is needed (the current revive speed rewards infantry clumping a little too much, which punishes LA and Infiltrators who tend to split from the main infantry) .

    And removal of the ability to revive MAX units. If a MAX lets itself get flanked by someone who spent 100 resources on C4, that should be the end of the MAX.
  16. lilleAllan

    I think revive speed is a bit too fast.
  17. Khyrin

    Double or triple infantry revive time, and increase MAx revive time by the tenfold of current, or the tenfold of the doubled time if you're feeling masochistic.

    Would make the process of "revive dancing" a bit more interesting.
  18. Xhaleon

    Two options to nerf medi-tools:

    1. Reduce the speed of revives; high rank medi-tools still revive at higher health than lower ranks, but each level doesn't decrease the revive speed anywhere as fast.
    2. Keep the speed of revives the same, but reduce the increase per rank of the revive health percentage. Increase speed of healing.

    I would lean towards the latter. It would keep Medics in place instead of letting them run amok the moment they get the level 5 medi-tool. Having to keep that tool out for longer makes them more vulnerable, makes it less easy for the necromancer to revive someone like an afterthought, getting back into battle a scant few seconds later.