Colors and how the affect player behavior, I think people are deeply affected by this.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leo Di Caprio, Mar 16, 2013.

  1. Leo Di Caprio

    I decided to take a look at the meaning of colors and how they affect behaviors according to studies made long ago in prisons, seeing how most of your game time is spent staring at these colors.


    Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.

    Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. It has very high visibility, which is why stop signs, stoplights, and fire equipment are usually painted red. In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage. It is a color found in many national flags.

    Red brings text and images to the foreground. Use it as an accent color to stimulate people to make quick decisions; it is a perfect color for 'Buy Now' or 'Click Here' buttons on Internet banners and websites. In advertising, red is often used to evoke erotic feelings (red lips, red nails, red-light districts, 'Lady in Red', etc). Red is widely used to indicate danger (high voltage signs, traffic lights). This color is also commonly associated with energy, so you can use it when promoting energy drinks, games, cars, items related to sports and high physical activity.

    Light red represents joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity, and love.
    Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness.
    Dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath.
    Brown suggests stability and denotes masculine .
    Reddish-brown is associated with harvest and fall.

    • This would explain most of TR always raging here and there, best example? Buzzcutpsycho.

    Blue: NC

    Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.

    Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity.

    You can use blue to promote products and services related to cleanliness (water purification filters, cleaning liquids, vodka), air and sky (airlines, airports, air conditioners), water and sea (sea voyages, mineral water). As opposed to emotionally warm colors like red, orange, and yellow; blue is linked to consciousness and intellect. Use blue to suggest precision when promoting high-tech products.

    Blue is a masculine color; according to studies, it is highly accepted among males. Dark blue is associated with depth, expertise, and stability; it is a preferred color for corporate America.

    Avoid using blue when promoting food and cooking, because blue suppresses appetite. When used together with warm colors like yellow or red, blue can create high-impact, vibrant designs; for example, blue-yellow-red is a perfect color scheme for a superhero. (dang we are just missing the red)

    Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility, understanding, and softness.
    Dark blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness.

    • This explains why the NC are always talking about balance, stability is balance, please listen to our sincerity.


    Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.

    According to surveys, almost 75 percent of pre-adolescent children prefer purple to all other colors. Purple is a very rare color in nature; some people consider it to be artificial.

    Light purple is a good choice for a feminine design. You can use bright purple when promoting children's products.

    Light purple evokes romantic and nostalgic feelings.

    Dark purple evokes gloom and sad feelings. It can cause frustration.

    • This... well... what can I say?
    We need a different color for VS.
  2. Leo Di Caprio

    Let's throw in a bump, worked too hard copy pasting this.
  3. Dingus148

    Holy crap. What did I just read? It looked like words...but there was no substance there. It was the written equivalent of a hologram.

    You expect serious discussion on this? You expect it to be given serious thought? Get outta here! Here's to hoping you're kidding
  4. Leo Di Caprio

    I take it we are VS?
  5. Zaik

    green for vs, let's just turn TR up to R 255, VS to G 255 , and NC up to B 255.
  6. Phyr

    Blue is knowledge? Maybe the NC are the wrong shade of blue then.
    • Up x 3
  7. Dingus148

    No, just mind is boggled at the thought this has any relevance or bearing on the game or Forumside. It's literally insanity to ascribe traits based on colours.
  8. Duff_Chimp

    Tbh I found it quite interesting, I definately rage more playing this game than any other game I've played. Perhaps because I'm TR, makes perfect sense. :p

    If you were going to change Vanu's colour i think green would be the obvious choice considering contrast to the other two. Perhaps even turn them into nature loving hippies instead. I fully support this. Captain Planet could be their leader.
  9. Leo Di Caprio

    It's just behavior affected by colors, the experiments done in jail substantially decreased inmate agression by a large margin just painting the walls pink.
  10. Leo Di Caprio

    Do not question our wisdom.
  11. VKhaun

    lol... at least it wasn't another colorblind / UI customize thread.
  12. Dingus148

    Yes, but reread your original post. You ascribe your faction the sole positive quality, saying "listen to us, we're blue so we must be trustworthy. We only care about balance". Tell that to Compass. Tell that to RaZzor. While you're at it, remind Dusty that he's supposed to be a champion of balance. Or Quadron. Because that destroys your theory right there. It is DUMB. Capital letters for emphasis. It's like the VS argument that their faction pwned before GU02 because they attracted "more intelligent" players.

    It is just stupid. The whole argument is stupid. It has no bearing on the game, and until an independent study shows otherwise, it will remain that way. Factional backstory has a bigger influence than color for god's sake, and the 4th Faction demonstrates how tenuous that link is. Using it as validation of your arguments (WE NC WE MUST BE BALANCE EXPERTS) ignores literally every other statistical factor that says this isn't the case. Learn the idea behind a bell curve and get back to me-your argument simply does not hold water.
  13. Leo Di Caprio

    Haha, I was just making fun of it, relax.

    I take it back you must play TR.

    Lighten up, "dingus".
  14. Fantom_17

    I dont know, I though this was interesting.

    though I'm blue and I rage all the time. maby id blow up if I went over to TR
  15. RHINO_Mk.II

  16. Dingus148

    Care to guess again? I mean, you've already guessed I played Vanu. And I disagree with posting of crap like this because, like theoretical DPS, it will be used by idiots with no idea of what it means in pointless arguments that will take weeks to dispel. Posting crap like this is cancer.
  17. Leo Di Caprio

    Well, I think you over exacerbate the situation, a color affects mood temporarily, not eternally, a color does not dictate the sanity or value of your evaluations, your IQ and power of analysis does, however.

    That being said, I cannot comprehend why anyone would take this as a sole basis to win an argument, as bad as the boards are... clearly colors may affect the person's behavior in a way depicted picking from the many ramifications coming out the meaning of such color, I only attempted to add some humor to it by marking some of those effects, relax, the world is still here.
  18. Imperium Assault

    Blue being the color of the daytime sky as well as suppressing melatonin suggests sobriety, and therefore follows the knowledge, power (though not raw masculine power), seriousness
  19. Tasogie

    That is a complete load of bollox lol
  20. Vultraz

    This is like reading an astrology website. As for colors, at night the human eye isn't actually sensitive to red or purple; but is somewhat sensitive to blue. Black? "What the hell do you think?" Cyan? OK, the Vanu are shafted in terms of color visibility here, and yellow? "Shoot me pls"