[CMGa] Crack Miata is recruiting for our Tactical Infantry divisions and our other divisions.

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Kettle, Jun 7, 2014.

  1. Kettle


    Teamspeak 3 Server: crack.typefrag.com:8050

    ·(Invite only. Granted access after being in the group for over a week or more)

    Outfit Structure


    Interested in the strategy aspect of Planetside 2?
    Crack Miata is a rapidly expanding outfit that is heavily recruiting members that have interest in gaining experience as squad leaders and platoon leaders. Although you will have to prove yourself a capable squad leader before you can train for platoon leader, we will always have opportunities for people to get leadership experience as we try to run constant platoons. For the first time you platoon lead or squad lead and whenever we have training officers on thereafter, myself and my officers will set up a whisper system in TS to talk to you ,personally and privately, so we can guide your hand to learn how to squad lead efficiently. After we do platoons for alerts or training, we tell you what you did right, wrong, and how to improve! We always try to debrief our members after we do an alert so we can get feedback and do things better every time!

    Real Life Always Comes First
    We have different things for everybody, as there are no commitments. We have many officers that have children and their own responsibilities so we understand. Real life always comes first, just join and play with us when we form platoons as training sessions aren't an outfit wide requirement. Rarely we will do an outfit wide meeting but it will be planned ahead of time and joining is optional. If you ever want to join our more organized divisions that is your choice!

    Tactical Infantry Division & FRT

    Furthermore, we are also recruiting for those who would like to be a part of our Tactical Infantry Division or Fast Response teams. Common strategies and technique would include our static defense formations, attack formations, breach and clear protocol, Dragon Scoops, Hell Fire and Drifter Jet drops, and more as we go over them in training. Examples of common in game fast response situations include: extremely efficient point defense against superior numbers, gal drops full of heavy assaults dropping on a dug in spawn sunderer to take it out with 10 rocket launchers at once, coordinated spawn beacon drops to take an advantageous point flanking an approaching Zerg, organized heavy assault Phoenix rocket launcher squads that coordinate their guided rocket on a single target to hit a tank with 6 + rockets for an instant kill behind cover, and much more. If you like to have an overwhelming sense of badassness when you play Planetside 2 we would love to have you!

    Crack Miata prides itself on its own community. We want our members to enjoy hopping on our Teamspeak 3 Server to connect with all of our members, and with that being said we make sure our members aren’t annoyed by little kids that haven’t gone through puberty. Our members HAVE to be above the age of 14 and we immediately kick and ban members who haven’t gone through puberty. The ages between 14-17 have to be confirmed by our officers to see if they fit in with the rest of us. Check our Youtube channel out, as we have fun and screw around, but we are serious when we need to be. If you’re 18 or over just don’t be an *******!

    The best possible way to contact us it to just simply hop on our Teamspeak server and speak to an officer! J

  2. bonkfire

    Nice guys fun to roll with