Close Combat Infiltrator?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Sabreur, Dec 18, 2012.

  1. Sabreur

    Obviously we've lost our shotguns, and signs are we're not getting them back anytime soon (possibly never).

    Despite this setback, is it still possible to create a close-combat infiltrator? I'm not sure how practical it would be, but I like the idea of sneaking up on people with a semi-auto rifle and going ballistic. Sniping is fun when you're in a good spot, but sometimes you want the thrill of startling the crap out of somebody.

    Builds? Personal experiences? Maybe even video? Post your thoughts!
  2. Wolferk

    Topic about CQC infi with Scout rifles.

    Personal experience: the class isn't suitable for CQC at the moment.
  3. PsyStorm

    I have been playing with the Nyx for some time now. I like it in CQC and also for sniping. It takes two head shots but the recoil lines right back up on the target and I can get the shots off pretty fast. Using the Nyx also gives me some close quarter power. I have the compensator and laser sight for better hip fire accuracy. It's the best I have found other than the pistol but it's not easy :)
  4. PanzerGoddess

    sure it is.....I dont even have enough energy to even try to explain to the none believers....
  5. ST4LK3R

    I've not been sniping much after I figured out how to infiltrate better. Using my default beamer, knife and proximity mines, I'm doing just fine. Of course, I can't go up to enemies and just pew pew so I just say hidden as much as possible using cloak and any kind of cover i can find. Just be sneaky. I using Hunter Cloak 4, Ammo Belt 3 or 4, Mine 1 and Hacking 4 which is the same as sniping. Oh, remember to hack anything you can. My highlights of the today'd be putting a mine between two enemy snipers and it killed both of them. Right after that I hacked a turret and shot enemy armours' butts just because I could.
  6. Togashi

    Default TR pistol with silencer and laser sight. This thing wrecks, knife, pshhpshhpshhh.. dead
  7. Chestor

    ^^ This. It's about as tiring as trying to explain why a VS/TR MAX shouldn't get in point blank range of 14 automatic shotgun blasts
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  8. PanzerGoddess

    lol so true. this makes me want to have your children
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  9. Zak Preston

    Try out Ghost (VS bolt-action) with 4x scope, silencer and foregrip: 1 headshot kill no matter who you meet (except Max)
  10. PanzerGoddess

    unless they have nano-weave five with full health, even point blank you will not kill an HA. Been tested unfortunately :(
  11. ghnurbles

    It's viable. Not the easiest playstyle, but I've been having great fun and pulling 2 KDR pretty steadily with the following build:

    Nyx (VS semi-auto scout rifle) + 1x reflex/suppressor/laser dot.
    Hunter cloak + nano-weave armor.
    Prox mines.

    The semi-auto scout obviously isn't as good as a slug shotgun, but the difference doesn't matter if you get the jump on people and use your cloak well.
  12. Chestor

    I dunno, my job stopped paying me my auraxium, like the stuff just up and ceased to exist or something. Not sure I have enough smedcreds to support kids.
  13. Sabreur

    Thanks for all the replies! I trialed the Nyx today and liked it, but unfortunately I was stuck on a crappy hotel internet connection and couldn't test it's full potential. Even with the poor connection, it seemed like a reasonably powerful weapon at medium to close range. Either way, it was a lot of fun, and forced me to really think carefully about my tactics. A very nice change. One thing that surprised me was that the weapons didn't matter as much as I thought. If you successfully sneak up behind somebody, it really doesn't matter if you're carrying a shotgun or a beamer - unless you really screw it up, you're going to murder them. Even Heavy Assault troopers go down pretty quick when you turn their spine into a miniature laser rave.

    Surprisingly, the best targets I found for this sort of playstyle were other infiltrators - they're more likely to be off on their own, and looking down scopes nonstop makes them less likely to notice you as you creep up behind them. I did get to annoy a few MAXes though - I couldn't take them down single-handedly, but they ended up wasting time stomping after me while getting shot to pieces by other infantry. Probably the most entertaining kill-assists I've had in a long time.

    I'm currently saving up certs for proxy mines. Those seem like they'll have nice synergy, provided my poor infantry resource budget can handle it on top of all the C4 and anti-tank mines I already buy.
  14. Zak Preston

    I don't know how you find NYX any fine at all! Terrible recoil, low damage, mediocre firerate! In CQB you have to have an opener, better if from behind and even better int a head. IMHO Spectre and Shadow are much better options to say nothing of Ghost beast =))
  15. Rigsta

    Not sure what everyone sees in the Nyx. I liked it for a while but only because I was really bad with the Artemis at the time. Big recoil and CoF bloom, awkward firing mode in CQ. I much prefer the Artemis.
  16. ghnurbles

    None of those snipers have good hip-fire, the Nyx does (especially with laser-dot). The Nyx is also crazily quiet, especially with a suppressor, and doesn't have a bullet trail - it's a lot easier to do CQC work if the enemy doesn't even realise you're there.
  17. PsyStorm

    The Nyx when I fire goes right back where it was when I shot. I can get 2-3 shots off before most people realize to move. The compensator makes the recoil less and inside I find if i burst it resets the recoil. This works with any weapon just don't use the full clip and pause when you can to tighten the bullets. Crouching also makes for more accurate shots as you can see by the cross-hair.
  18. Nehemia

    I'd personally go for grip and flash suppressor, last thing INF wants is to show their position to all enemies within 100 yards.

    Also, an side-arm with silencer works. The job ain't easy, but definitely doable.
  19. VoidC

    I finally got a suppressor for my Nyx and it rocks. Now it is very quiet. Recoil is terrible. I got used to it, but still miss compensator somehow. I got 4x scope and 2x reflex sight. I use mostly the first one. However, without laser dot I suck with 4x scope and terrible hipfire.
    With that setup HA are manageable from behind, injured or in unexpected stasis. With Manticore HAs turn around, pop up that shield and kill you ...

    My general problem in CQC is that I got killed very often while being in cloak and trying to sneak ... especially with high population.
    Cloak is easy to see. People chase you even in open ... trying to zig zig close to you. Cloak is generally double edged sword. Decloaking sucks. If you are detected by someone while in cloak at close range, you will be dead.
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  20. PsyStorm

    I still like the compensator when in close. I think when you cloak it removes you from the map? I usually cloak after I use anything.