is this on low graphics quality? If so its working as intended... SOE hates infils (almost as much as they hate Vanu)
The cloak in the game is horrible, and it does not look like they have any intention of making it better or fixing it. The cloak currently makes you more visable than standard infantry, so there is really no reason to use it other than long range sniping.
Happens occasionally on ultra as well. Scope and other bits of the gun you have turn white while the wrest of it is the normal see through. Also bugs belong in the bug section FYI.
I get this bug a lot too. I noticed that the 'removable' parts of the gun usually go milky clear, contrasting the overall cloak. By 'removable' I mean the magazine, scopes, barrel attachments, rails, etc. I think that's related.
If you haven't already, I would suggest submitting a bug report using the in-game interface. Instructions to do so can be found in the link below: In addition, we have a game-play bug sub-forum where users can post, report, and discuss in-game bugs. You can find it by clicking here.