
Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by salembeats, Mar 21, 2014.

  1. salembeats

    The Only Outfit for Dedicated Infiltrators


    We are the elite few. We are the ghosts in the shadows.
    We're the guys who blow you up with your own AV turrets.
    We're the guys who blow your head off while you stand a vehicle terminal trying to decide which vehicle loadout you want to pull.
    We're the guys who hang out in your base long after our allies have been forced out, taunting you in "/yell" chat and murdering you when nobody is looking.
    We're the reason your damaged tank is sitting out in the open, no longer manned.
    We're the threat which causes you to splurge money on fancy gaming headsets, and the reason you need to keep replacing the keyboards you keep smashing.
    We're like Santa Claus -- You never see us, but we're always watching you.
    We're the reason you have a flashlight on your gun rather than a foregrip, but we don't care.
    By the time you know where we're at, you're already dead.


    When you join Cloaked, one of the following three things will happen:

    A: You will become a great Infiltrator and have a good time.
    B: You will be identified as a hopeless, horrible player and end up leaving the outfit.
    C: You will become frustrated with Planetside 2 and quit playing the game entirely.

    We're dedicated to helping you achieve Result "A".

    Our members know how to enjoy Planetside when playing alone.
    We know how to set and accomplish personal goals.

    We also enjoy testing the limits of our stealth-based abilities, coordinating surprise tactics with members of other outfits from time to time.

    We use in-game VOIP extensively, including Custom Channels.

    We're aware of every last gameplay nuance which could possibly affect Infiltrators, and we share this information amongst the members of our Outfit.


    Tier 1 ("Initiate")
    An Initiate is someone who is dedicated enough to the Infiltrator class to be respected by our Outfit as a member.
    Play as the Infiltrator class more than any other individual class.
    Maintain a minimum of 40% Infiltrator playtime.
    Perk: Become accepted to and maintain membership within Cloaked.

    Tier 2 ("Specialist")
    A Specialist has chosen a specific Infiltrator playstyle to excel with.
    Obtain an Auraxium Medal with any weapon available to the Infiltrator class.
    Perk: Join outfit voice channel.

    Tier 3 ("Expert")
    An Expert has demonstrated that he can excel in any situation an Infiltrator might face.
    Obtain an Auraxium Medal with one weapon from each of the following categories:
    Pistol or Knife
    Scout Rifle
    Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle
    Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
    Perk: Participate in Coordinated Outfit Operations. Join the custom in-game Coordinated Voice Channel.

    Tier 4 ("Master")
    A Master is a dedicated, battle-hardened veteran who is suited to handle any situation and has earned the right to lead.
    Complete 100% certification of the Infiltrator class.
    Perk: Outfit commander. Invite and/or kick members. Set the Message of the Day.

    Tier 5 ("Grandmaster")
    A Grandmaster has reached an ideal level which very few dedicated players ever will.
    There are two distinct paths to becoming a Grandmaster.
    Option #1: Become a Grandmaster Specialist and become #1 in Kills on Connery with a specific weapon available to the Infitrator class.
    Option #2: Become a Grandmaster of Versatility and obtain an Auraxium Medal with all Infiltrator weapons.
    Perk: Outfit co-leadership. All powers possible within the Outfit.

  2. Brahma2

    I just wanted to say... Fantastic idea for an outfit. People should have a reason to strive for perfection, especially in a game this casual. Good hunting... If there's one thing I love, it's randomly shelling invisible infiltrators.

    Good luck with the outfit; if you're serious about your infiltrating... Join up.
  3. salembeats

    We're up to 15 members now, growing slowly and surely. :)

    We've got the #1 killer on Connery with the SOAS (RedLunchBox), the #1 killer worldwide with the Armistice (SalemBeats), and an excellent RAMS killer (RyshThalkar) as stand-outs in addition to some other excellent players :D
    • Up x 1
  4. kraftknife

  5. salembeats

    Hey there,
    I don't use Steam.

    In the chat console in-game, type
    /friend add SalemBeats

    I'll get back to you the next time I'm on!
  6. Akeita

    Too bad I'm NC... Aurax both SMG :d
  7. salembeats

    2 alts in your sig... o_O
  8. Trudeus

    Ran into salem yesterday a couple times. A damn fine infiltrator, I'll give him that. Looking forward to seeing where this group goes, so I can put to use the flashlight on my Rebel.
    • Up x 1
  9. Akeita

    Flying too much reduce my Infiltrator time about 25 - 34% :D
    • Up x 1
  10. salembeats

    I woulda never guessed from the mossy pic in your sig... :D
    • Up x 1
  11. salembeats

    We've added some new members!

    After some feedback from outfit members and stat-tracking, I've decided to combine SASR and BASR auraxiums into the same pool for the T3 prerequisites, and remove the pistol/knife requirement. This should make T3 more achievable, and still fits with the vision of T3 being a flexible operations group.

    These requirements which were removed from the T3 tier will be added to the prerequisites for the T4 tier.
  12. salembeats

  13. 7 Drunk Midgets

    How would I go about joining? I read your old thread that you said was outdated about Cloaked, so I don't know if the same methods of joining would apply.
  14. BobSanders123

    How do you guys counter Max? 0-o
  15. LordDethir

    One Word: Anti-personal Mines
  16. BjarneStroustrup

    Wow, the philosophy of this outfit is fantastic to say the least. I sent a friend invitation to you SalemBeats. Hopefully there is an opening for another infiltrator! :)
  17. DukeSylar

    Really good outfit for new infiltrators and veterans alike. Hopefully we'll see more players in Cloaked. :)
  18. mythalict

    Hey Salem you may remember me from a few months back when I joined your outfit when it was just starting out. Just wondering how it's going, I'll have a lot more time to play now.
  19. salembeats

    Flash Fury.

    or Armistice.

    or Commissioner.
  20. salembeats

    We're looking to have some more outfit members online around-the-clock.

    If you play exclusively (or mainly) Infiltrator, create a TR and join us!