Cloak needs a Fix..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scifi, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. Scifi

    I'm sick and tired of using a cloak that is supposed to hide you from the enemy, when infact it glows like a neon stick when your try to run away. I've heard the only time its of any use is when your crouched down in a dark corner not moving, which when you think its for an infiltrator that needs it to sneek into an enemy base without anyone noticing and all it really does is make you stand out like a sore thumb.

    It really needs to be more like the TF2 spy cloak, when instead its more like this <see pic below>. I think that it needs to be less shiny and when its dark and in the moon light, it shouldnt reflect so much and be more of a dull distortion than what it is now.

    SOE really needs to have a good look at what the cloak needs to look like, cos atm its just useless. I use it allot as I was a damn good spy in TF2, now i find that this cloak isnt really of much use cos ppl still spot you when cloaked from long distances or kill you when you try to hide.

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  2. Ravenorth

    I dont see problem with the current visibility(expect the bug) and because we now have the smg I really dont want to have it any more effective. We dont even have to be afraid of NV scopes, so making it any more invisible would make this class totally op, if you ran on front of enemy while cloaked, then he should be able to see you.

    Crouching is really effective already, I cant even count how many enemies have not been able to see me, even thought they´ve been standing/running right next to me. The thing with the crouching is that there is a little delay before you are most invisible, which is fine, because that way it needs a bit more skill, because you need right timing and wise use of the recon detect device to use it effectively. It hardly never fails me, unless the enemy is having an eye contact to me while I crouch.

    Things that I would like see are slower cloak consumption when staying still and less sound when using the cloak.
  3. Scifi

    Its like that joke "HAHA there's an infiltrator he thinks hes cloaked!", it might aswell not work at all for the use it is. Ppl spot you so easily which defeats the whole reason for using the cloak in the 1st place, that is how bad it is.

    A cloak is suppose to project a dull distortion of your surroundings, not stand out like a sore thumb for everyone to notice.
  4. Bloodmyth

    I don't get why you are showing me a picture of a woman in a wheelchair, what's the reference to your post?
    Shaun Johnson ps2 dev ;)
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  5. Scifi

    its to show you how bad the cloak is, even a woman in a wheelchair who is wearing 2 inch thick glasses can see you...

    Or maybe shes thinking, isn't a poncho suppose to have a whole in it ;)
  6. Suiradezza

    Just because it's called a cloak doesn't mean you get to be Harry Potter.
  7. Tasogie

    I think you will find its people who exploit the graphics issues where they turn everything down to minimum so they can see you. You can always tell the ones who do it as they see you coming a mile away an always hit you.
    Good infs know how to cut an run, as happened to me tonight. It was dark an I had a inf kept popping up an killing random people then runs. I saw where he went, an I could hear him, but I couldn't shoot him. When I finally did he managed to get behind me an run while stealthing. By time I spun round he had made distance between us an got behind a rock.. at that point I lost him.

    Cloak is fine, apart from the sad ones who exploit the game systems.
  8. gorviss

    Stop whining and grow up. Its not broken, I lose Infiltrators a lot when they run from me, I also see them a lot if I look hard enough. The closer you are to the enemy the easier it is for us to spot you.
  9. GSZenith

    You must be new, can i give you a pair of glasses + working soundcard?

    I've no issue spoting inf at 300+meter plus, they stand out more than the random spray and pray HA at the same distance, you can spray and pray inf at 200meter easy, and if you lose an inf..the fudge how? really how the cloak is so load you should be able and find them in 5sec, also upgrade flash to maphack and no more inf hiding :)
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  10. Bloodmyth

    He looses the inf due to the active cloak timer running out,
  11. Bloodmyth

    Dude i got it i was trying to be clever which failed if I had to explain that lol.
  12. BlueSkies

    Oh god no. The people who are actually good at playing Infil will become terrors if you made the cloak any better.
  13. Aslandav

    Currently in PS2, infiltrators do not have an cloaking skill, but rather, a "shoot-me-now" tag which turns the infiltrators into "neon sticks" that is mistakenly named as "cloaking".
  14. Agent 47

    What! No! Cloak isn't fine! Playing on low settings gives away that ability, it's just too.. visible
    Hoping devs would actually reply something, at least we know something is being worked on.
  15. Bloodmyth

    On the flip side this has gotten me a lot of kills lately as on Miller they have increased rendering distance so there's a ton of noob infs getting into position cloaked thinking they are safe ;)
  16. JP_Russell

    Any screenshots or videos out there showing the cloak rendering bug that makes infiltrators actually more visible when cloaked? I've never actually seen it yet.
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  17. ACE McFACE

    Thats not a wheelchair! Its one of those things to help old people walk. Clearly OP is telling us that infiltrators are like old people, they need assistance from time to time.
  18. Deathrus

    If you played PS1 Infiltrator is a JOKE ATM.....

    PS2 infiltrator is not even close to the potential a PS1 infiltrator can do in every aspect. Only good thing a PS2 infiltrator can do is snipe which a PS1 infiltrator can't.

    PS1 infiltrator could:

    -Be invisible while standing and a small blur while moving. CLOAK stayed on forever or until you decided to uncloak Had a implant called darklight to counter.
    - could hack, jack and disable base defenses. As well as hack vehicles and steal them.
    - Could solo destroy and cripple enemy gens as a engineer infiltrator.
    -Install viruses in the SCU which would mass unlock doors, drain the bases Nanites faster. Oh did I mention that bases had to be maintained by players with Nanites from the WG otherwise they would turn neutral.
    -perfect for scouting and lazing targets for artillery
    -Could set up base defences
    - had a vehicle and a aircraft that would cloak. Had to have a infiltrator driving for the cloak to work.

    PS2 infiltrator-
    -can snipe

    I also missed many more roles the infiltrator would play in PS1. It's really sad how terrible the PS2 infiltrator class is.
  19. PsyStorm

    I play infiltrator mostly and the cloak is so easy to spot I hunt other infiltrators. All you have to do is know what to look for and once you do the cloak becomes just something different to look for. There are some situations where I don't get detected but most people see it. If you don't believe me just look at your infiltrators in your squad and tell me you can't pretty much always see them.... Even when you crouch if you don't move forward you don't get the full effect of the crouch. Try it.... I am not sure what happened but I get spotted more than ever now and people can chase you down rather easily.

    Before you go ranting I don't want to be overpowered but this cloak mechanic is a bit lackluster for what we are supposed to use it for. Right now it's mainly for taking away spotting tacos and maybe will get you across a field if the lighting suits it.

    Last note, please don't turn this into a we got smg thread. We just want the developers to just try it out in different circumstances so they can see how effective it is or not or give us some other options. Another thing to consider is not everyone uses the same settings. If you disable shadows there are no dark places to hide. What if this also is effecting the cloak ability. The places that are supposed to give you less detection aren't effective if someone has shadows off. This is just guesstimation so not sure but I think it makes sense.
  20. Snowwolf

    At this point its ridiculous. I love to play classes like HA, Medic, engi but I like my game on high settings, so every time I run into an infiltrator, I cant do much 1v1 since the HC/NV scope get nerfed and there is no way to spot them except for sound, but thats fine with me because thats whats infiltrator class is about, so I followed the tactics - "cant beat them, join them", but these nice thousand year old tactics turned out to be just a scam in this game, since 95% of gamers run this game on low settings and can spot me everywhere no matter what. So come on SOE, either fix that infiltrators cant be spotted by low graphic users or at least put back HC/NV scope usage to spot infiltrators on high detailed graphics, because at this moment its completely, completely ridiculous!!!