[Suggestion] Clearing Old Outfit Tags

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Obstruction, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Obstruction

    now and then i think of a cool outfit tag i'd like to use, and find that it is taken. not too surprising since there's only so many 4 character combinations, and lots of players making outfits every day. then i use a handy utility on a website to search for that alias and find out that it's held by 3 players, who joined on 11-21-2012 and played a total of less than one day. the outfit leader last logged in over a year ago, in April of 2013. he is battle rank 4. he logged 2 hours, 58 minutes of playtime.

    i don't mean to suggest that outfits should just spontaneously lose their tags. however i think some mechanism should be in place to clear out some of these placeholders and old unused tags for use by more more active groups. something should trigger when certain criteria have been met, and that tag is requested for use by an outfit.

    the criteria can be very strong, to secure tags for active groups and be sure that a tag isn't lost just because a leader goes on vacation. it can rely on multiple requests, done over time. it can allow multiple outfit members or even all outfit members to meet the criteria for activity.

    additionally, measures should be taken to assure that the request isn't used frivolously, or as some type of spam against, or harassment of, popular or unpopular outfits and their leaders. even people who want to hold a cool outfit tag on an alt that they rarely play, should be allowed to! as long as they meet the criteria of being active or at least having active members.

    something should be done. it isn't a pressing issue, i admit. but it is a simple issue. and it's been many times now that i've thought of a cool outfit tag to make and use for an event, or for a group of friends to join, and found it held up in this way. and if i were to lose that tag later because i didn't meet the criteria to keep it, good.
  2. RyanGUK

    They should do it when making the Outfit Recruitment upgrade (which is scheduled for May).

    They should also put a price on creating an outfit (in certs no less), just to deter those who don't take the running of an outfit seriously. CONTROVERSIAL IDEAS RYT ERE LADS.
    • Up x 1
  3. Kaale

    So will it Happen? I just checked a [TAG] and owned by 1 player outfit who played for 2hrs in June 2013 :(