Claymores Are Bugged and Invisible.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LibertyRevolution, Nov 2, 2014.

  1. OldMaster80

    Not everyone reads this forum. Instead of wasting time with reports type /bug in the game chat. That helps much more ;)
  2. Diilicious

    AI mines are pretty redundant with every HA i see running that plugin thing that makes all explosives light up like christmas trees
  3. Leftconsin

    I question if anyone from SOE reads these official SOE forums.
  4. Xasapis

    Probably only RadarX. The rest are very active on reddit, and not really on the threads you'd call constructive.
  5. LibertyRevolution

    This is going to be claymore auraxium week, join the party.
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  6. Fatal_Finn

    You can still see them but you have to crouch right next to them. Doesn't help much though :p
  7. Zotamedu

    Did you miss the part where bouncing betties and proxy mines have been bugged and failed to render for months? There as a brief window after they fixed the falling thorough the floor bug and the magically disappearing bug where they did render. I assume it's been the same for the Claymores but since I only play TR, I don't have any first hand experience. So are you going to report yourself for those 163 proxy and 108 betty kills? Or did you get them in that short window when they weren't buged?
  8. BetAstraal

    There's lots of invisible stuff after the last patch: terminals, proxy mines of all sorts, any other deployable, even players (i've just been repped by an invisible engineer an hour ago - i could see the repair beam, but no engi and just 'ALLY ACTIVITY' as the repairer).
  9. Rift23

    Anyone else think it's hilarious that mines act like real mines when they're bugged?

    Almost as funny as the OP thinking he'll get half the TR banned.
  10. DramaticExit

    I do not think that is the intention. I think instead he is playing the very cynical internet game of making something sensational and overly dramatic in content, so that it gets attention, drawing eyes to the actual problem in the hopes it will get solved. In this case, what he wants is for mines to render properly.

    It's not the method I'd choose - but lets face it, people are more likely to reply to a thread that says "BIG THINGS IN FULL CAPS ANGRILY" than they are one that puts an argument across in a sane and senbsible way. When people are sensible, the internet communities that thrive on drama rarely pay any attention, and the problem the sensible argument highlighted remains unresolved.
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  11. Utrooperx

    Hey I only need 63 more claymore kills to Aux them out...I love repairing a vehicle terminal in a tower, mining the around a corner and count to 5...BOOM...

    Rinse & repeat=Profit! :)

    But seriously, they aren't rendering properly at the moment...same as a lot of terminals...players...tanks...ESF's...AV turrets...etc...

    A fine example of SOE coding expertise!
  12. actionpark

    I saw a twitter saying they will fix this problem soon (no link, sorry) so now i'll get them.

    Any great tips btw?
  13. Xasapis

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  14. actionpark

    Yeah, thats the one. Thanks
  15. Spankay

    Invisible mines you say? Welcome to the time TR had to deal with NC and VS mines that sunk into the ground but worked just fine.
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  16. Krayus_Korianis

    Honestly, I think they still do. I don't see'em until I get up on'em.
  17. Zotamedu

    Now they stopped falling through the floor ages ago. Now they just completely fail to render until they explode. So they are completely invisible and only render when they go off. So you don't see them until they blow up at your feet. I've been reporting this issue for months. Each and every time I get killed by an invisible mine I send a bug report.
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  18. Krayus_Korianis

    Better to send a bug report than to report people... Honestly I think the OP's angry.
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  19. Zotamedu

    I don't blame the people dropping mines for the bugs. That would be silly. I'll keep sending bug reports until it gets fixed.
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  20. LibertyRevolution

    I'm glad someone understands me...

    I got a small patch last night, after that I could see claymores.
    Thread purposed served.

    Mods can delete this thread now, k thanks.
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