[BUG] Claymore green lines are bright as **** again

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Aug 2, 2013.

  1. The King

    I bet the kills would increase if the TR would place it at a more decent location.
    Every time I see these mines on the ground, they're right there, plain out in the middle right next to a terminal for all to see.
    Everyone can see any mine there all the time, no matter the faction.

    Yes, the lights are super bright, on my end as a TR. (does it change when I am a different faction? I don't know.. prolly not)The TR can still try to do that to help with increasing kill numbers.. It's not as effective as the other two for suicide bombing.
    If people are paying attention looking for mines, pretty much all mines will not be useful. Unless the person is chasing someone and ran into it. Even the TR claymore would kill players like that... unless you place it where they can see it at a long distance.

    I do not think it should be that bright.
  2. -MJ12-

    I have to admit that those claymores are too easy to spot compared to the other mines, those green lines even shine through walls and objects.
  3. LowTechKiller

    I didn't realize the green warning lights were ever dimmed, and my Claymore kill frequency didn't seem to go up, so I'm not sure it mattered. Just take the lights off ALL anti-personnel mines, but let's not beat that dead horse all over again.
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  4. Slattjaw

    just remember for every kill with a claymore someone was stupid enough to walk into it. With majority kills of NC/VS mines they were stupid enough to huddle in a large group focused on one point. Skill points to use claymores 1, skill points to use others .5
  5. Tekuila

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  6. Zotamedu

    It means the kill stats are useless because the Claymore was worse in every single way. There was nothing it did good. The other two could do the exact same things only better. There were no upsides to the limited area of effect. There were some rumours about longer range but they were proven false by the recent patch notes that showed that all mines had the same range before. So there is no way a mine with the same range and damage but a limited area of effect can be better in any way, shape or form than the other two with omnidirectional damage. It was a pure downgrade with no perks at all.
  7. Goretzu

    If that is true, then SOE as making HUGE mistakes by balance for K/D ratio. :eek:

    Although in fairness I don't know what would be used for balance if not kill stats.
  8. Van Dax

    And of course VS are 38% better with our OP force blades while NC/TR are almost exactly the same, its funny how stats lie sometimes.
  9. Zotamedu

    Well with the mines they could use logic. If you have a limited area of effect then the range needs to be better and that's what they did.
  10. Goretzu

    But how do they know that?

    There is seemingly no evidence to support this either way.
  11. tralalog

    good, they take no skill to use