class Survey

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by janeTEXAS, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. janeTEXAS

    hey, just wondering if they offer diferent weapons based on your answers? or its just the same?
  2. doombro

    You can pick different option at the end to get anything you may have wanted, IIRC. I don't think the choices would differ if you answered the questions differently.
  3. Krayus_Korianis

    Is it on all chars you have or just the one you log into?
  4. Lord_Avatar

    Just the one you picked to do the survey.
  5. doombro

    The questionnare is one per account, so, first one you log into.
    • Up x 1
  6. Zorro

    What do you mean by a class survey? Is this something new?
  7. AltF4Fun

    jeah,please more info.Never play on patch day so no clue whats going on.
  8. Krayus_Korianis

    Was just wondering. lol. I log into all my chars to get the free certs anyways. Was spending a lot of time on my TR with the new Medic weapon I got. Apparently we all got shotguns now...
  9. bPostal