[Suggestion] Class Specific Flash Abilities

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Edmon, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Edmon

    The flash is awful. Bottom line, for all the things people cry about being bad, the flash is worse by miles.

    One thing you can do to add excitement and utility to the flash is to add class specific abilities to the flash.

    Flash can cloak, though the cloak burns out faster.

    Flash has Vanguard-like shield that burns out after a few seconds.

    Flash heals nearby units in a wider area than normal, burns out slightly faster than medic aura.

    Light Assault:
    Flash can jump 10m on pressing the space bar. Fall damage greatly reduced in all situations.

    Flash weapon is twinned. Both fire slightly more slowly giving 150% damage output.

    Just a planning idea at the moment. But the flash needs something and fun stuff like this could be it.
  2. allattar

    Flash is great. It's a cheap transport. Just stick stealth and radar on it. But don't try and drive through major battles.
  3. beefrobo

    Well the infiltrator will be allowed to cloak a flash in the next update. I love the ideas for the other abilities though. Hopefully when the infiltrator cloak gets added it'll be named kinda like "Class Ability Injector" rather than just "Flash Cloaking Screen" or something
  4. DJPenguin

    how much do you have invested into the Flash? All weapons unlocked, lvl 3 scrapper chassis, lvl 3 radar (soon to be 4!), stealth.. this thing is amazing for 25 vehicle res.
  5. Edmon

    Are people really of the opinion the flash is good? It doesn't do anything that any base infantry class can't do better, at less risk. It's only attraction is its speed and the ability to leave it somewhere as a radar post. Neither of which it excels at because a single rocket (or just about anything else) will make it explode.

    I imagine a world where someone might actually want to -use- their flash. Is that a crazy world?