[Suggestion] Class Combination: Light Assault + Infiltrator

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by deggy, Apr 30, 2013.

  1. TherealScrable

    disagreeing, I'm an infiltrator player, and I like my class.
    Well and with infiltrator player, I don't meant the class infiltrator, I mean the tactic of infiltrating and sabotaging bases.
    Light Assault is always my choice, if i know that there are many hostiles, like in a full biolab. They are the best to sneak around in big fights.
    Infiltrators are very good to confuse the enemy, and the best in towers, like Crossroads, or even The Crown.
    I just love to infiltrate my enemy, and surprise knife them or C4 them or even hack all terminals, just to see how they react.
  2. Anvildude

    No BUT! Because I think both classes should, instead, have their special abilities/special weapons options swapped.

    LA should, yes, have less something- make it less Health, for a slightly different playstyle (because Shields regenerate, letting the LA actually stay in the fight more effectively, in a way).

    BUT! The change should be that Light Assault get Scout Rifles and Sniper Rifles, and Infiltrators get access to Shotguns (not pump action- that's true) and Carbines (maybe? maybe not...). This reinforces the role of the LA as a 'flanker' and the role of the Infiltrator as a "Get in there and cause havoc" sort of thing. Maybe give the Infil C4, and take it away from the LA.
  3. deggy

    I know it's not going to happen, but it got some good dialogue going on the relationships between these two classes. Thanks for your guys' inputs.
  4. Strykar

    No no, please no. Do not give anybody who can wield a sniper jump jets. This is only going to encourage camping in hard to reach places. And if they take my carbine away from my jump jets I swear I'm gonna throw a hissy fit.
  5. ArcKnight

    LA with a sniper rifle....gives me shivers and sounds OP

    I doubt the devs will give us a sniper rifle but keep believing in your dreams/ideas
  6. PsyStorm

    I don't want to play jet pack or I would play more light assault. I want to infiltrate and I want to be stealthy like a ninja :)
    • Up x 1
  7. FoxGhost

    My thoughts exactly.
  8. Anvildude

    I was thinking more from the perspective of an Infiltrator that gets access to a full-auto Shotgun.
  9. deggy

    The thread wants to die now, please let it die :)
  10. ironeddie

    A light assault with a sniper rifle would be OP. Everyone else would get head shot killed by a sniper in a location you couldn't see, or get to because you don't have a jet pack of your own.

    That said separating out the sniper & the spy abilities of the infiltrator could be a good idea. A class that has a great cloak, hacking abilities, booby traps & good stealthy CQC options could be interesting.
  11. deggy

    Guys, the thread is dead. I posted so nobody else would reply. Let it die.
  12. Wolfwood82

    Cloak becomes a huge factor when dealing with counter snipers and for, yanno, infiltration. Being an LA sniper in this game would suck balls.

    It would work if head shots weren't a factor, but as it stands, OHK sniper rifles means I wouldn't want to snipe without the ability to conceal myself while searching for a target.