Cheese weapons have enjoyed their stay long enough... Lets nerf infantry spam of c4 and mines

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Crazyfingers, Feb 13, 2013.

  1. Crazyfingers

    In many ways Planetside could suffer from its short development cycle. With the way unlocks works, core components that should have been default are now being implemented later in its life cycle and it's creating long lasting scars on the core combat of the game. Imagine if Call of Duty had come out with nothing but grenade launchers as the default weapon and later patched in guns, but grenade launchers remained the default easily obtained weapons. The game would have floundered.

    I understand why mines, exist, why c4 exists. There wasn't enough time to implement a full loadout for this game at release and these weapons were band aids to give infantry a fighting chance against armor, but now that we have the engineer mana turret these components of combat need some scaling back in their 1 hit wonder effectiveness. The game is no longer better having these infuriating weapons.

    Keep c4 effective against infantry, scale it back against armor

    Plenty of other mine threads on this forum, there seems to be a communal consensus here.

    Nerfing these weapons may upset a few paying customers, but the good it will bring to the overall balance of combat far outweighs the cons.

    Am I making this post in a fit of rage after my sunderer got blown up by a solo light assault?

    And it's f*cking ridiculous. Nerf this horse sh*t.
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  2. Vangelis

    Rock: Nerf Paper NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Paper: F ROCK, nerf Scissors!!!!! RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!
    Scissors: I'm completely balanced, nerf rock YESTERDAY!!!!
    Lizard & Spock: Why did we ever start playing with these guys???
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  3. RocketKhruschev

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  4. Crazyfingers

    I'm glad you bring up rock paper scissors balance vangelis, because it's terrible design when taken too far. I would be all for giving infantry weapons that were capable of doing bullet damage to tanks and armor, but one shotting them with mines is just shoddy unreliable design, it infuraits the attacker when their only option is to run full boar into lethal targets, and it infuriats the armor when they get taken out by a low cost piece of sh*t cheeser.

    Good design isn't so absolute, it doesn't only give 1 side a chance in very specific situations, it's more dynamic.

    TLDR Mine and c4 fights always end with 1 players being absolutely f*cking pissed, be it the one trying to kill a tank in the only way they can (cheese), or a sunderer being destroyed by a single unit that should lack the ability to do so in such an easy manner. It's poor design.

    I'm sure there will be plenty left on this forum to argue the contrary, this game has driven of the median voice after the past few months.
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  5. iShootCats

    QQ this QQ that are you 12 by any chance? No keep the way it is, have you ever even used c4? It takes ages for them to actually go on the intended target, and one hit wonders? Really it takes 2 to destroy 1 tank and 3 to destory a sundy quiet your complaining and learn how to switch from 1st person to 3rd to avoid being c4d and watch the road for mines it's that simple stop being a baby. The only thing I have to say is enough of the anti vehicle guns for infantry we already have to deal with heavys assaults and light assaults c4s now we have to deal with engi (even more so) buff all amour defenses. Other than that the game is good quit your crying.
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  6. Tasogie

    Well said mate,This idiot is either trolling or honestly is 12. It''s only explanation for such stupidity :(. None spams either mines or C4 they are highly expensive, an in C4's case VERY situational. 50% of time someone els will blow up the C4 an you get nothing, or you get blown up with it.
    Whats scary is these ....people... are who SOE pander to, its really bad for a games life span to cater to these idiots, because all they want is everything exactly same an none to ever have diversity in games because they cant handle it.
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  7. Crazyfingers

    I main light assault, and no I'm not 12. I ******* hate c4, yes it's clunky as **** and annoying, that's the entire point of this post, do you read at a 12 year old level? Because you're essentially parroting what i've stated above, that C4 doesn't feel like a core component to tank battles and it's use is infuriating, like your half thought out rebuttal.

    I'm not saying c4 isn't effective, i'm not saying it's OP, i'm saying it's clunky as sh*t and relies on it's "cheesiness". Now that infantry have a more robust anti vehicle weapon it should be gutted to a large degree.
  8. Tasogie

    ahh so you dont like C4 so lets get rid of it?, called it!...../bangs his head on wall
    I highly doubt your a LA an if you are just because you think something is bad does not make it bad. C4 is highly HIGHLY situational, an very expensive. Get over it.
  9. ShureShot

    So 1 guy can spawn a vehicle and that's alright, 1 guy can operate a vehicle and that's alright, 1 guy can deploy a vehicle and that's alright, but god forbid that 1 guy can take out a vehicle!

    The real concern of proper gamers is that this is turning into lockonside and that you get killed by enemies that don't even render for you. And somehow there's still kiddos whining that they get killed up close by someone with enough kamikaze blood in his veins to run/fly up to a heavily armored vehicle with 1 shot kill weapons and tons of enemies around it that should be defending it.

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  10. Bloodlet

    This isn't space world war 2.
  11. The King

    WTF? THe mines and C4 is perfectly fine. There's no issue with them. They're easy to stop and cost too much resources to keep using. Ever since the patch, I barely have enough resources to do anything. I guess it's a vanu Indar WG problem or something, but regardless, it's of no issue.
  12. Tasogie

    yer with NC being in the north WG all the vanu fotm'ers rushed to join NC, now they jsut zerg every base at once. I jumped onto my NC char other day an it was moronically easy to kill people. NC guns were always VERY good, but they seem to have boosted them again.
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  13. FateJH

    If we're "scaling them back," then we implemented them as they should have been implemented in the first place at the same time, in a way that they are not useless as they are intended.

    Anti-Infantry mines are the mines to use against Infantry, AT Mines are the mines to use against vehicles, and C4 damages everything (in fact, real C-4 is supposed to be good against vehicles because it can be wedged in cracks and crevices and attack that weak joint area). But there's no point to a stationary explosive that can't actually destroy anything, unless it accomplishes some other effect by that explosion. In a setting where damage is undone with a simple touch of a phlebotinumous button, there's no point otherwise.
  14. HamOnRye

    Call me strange but I have heard that shooting the incoming players with mines and C4 is an effective solution to your problems.

    I know what's also very strange? The developers put theses things called turrets on sunderers. So strange is it that they actually put two of them on it! I think they want you to use them!
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  15. jak

    I'm curious how you main as a light assault and using C4 on tanks is infuriating to you. If you play LA as your main and C4 on tanks makes you very angry...don't do use it on tanks. You claim to play LA as your main, yet you want to take one of the very few utilities we have to help our respective empires.
  16. Chimaera5


    I had a great run dropping C4 on vehicles a few days ago when defending bridges by the crown, but after ten minutes i'd run out of inf. resources and had to stop, add on the time it takes to actually lay 2 blocks of C4 and it's more down to the incompetence of the sundy driver/faction than any skill of the attacker or OP'ness of the weapon.

    I die 9/10 times trying to bomb a sundy, maybe try defending your sundy and certing into the right defenses and it won't happen nearly as often.
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  17. Tasogie

    OMG BRAH!!!! cant tell them to use tools, thats just offensive I'm "reproting" you!!!


    None should ever be "forced" to defend a sunderer, that is just wrong an you cant make me so ner!

    But seriously, trying to get these guys to use the tools given in game is jsut futile mate, they wont do it an they dont want anyone els to do it, so they only know one thing to do, complain an hope the devs nerf hell out of it. Welcome to entitlement generation.
  18. Gary

    The only thing i hate atm with a passion is the Anti Infantry mines... These are stupid Vanu and NC variants Blend in with any indoor terrain. The TR ones radius is a tad on the large side as well but all are capable of a 1 shot kill place and forget till it grants you XP.

    Regarding Mines - If you are fed up of mines been used against your sunderer then its time to do two things.

    1. Defend it, Defending my sunderer increased the time it was alive substantially, give it a go instead of deploying and expecting other people to do it.

    2. Take Mineguard...Said this countless times... You cert into what you think is the biggest threat and defend against it, You think Tanks or Rockets are the threat take Blockade Armor, Think mines are the biggest take Mine guard. At max rank mine guard (it is pretty cheap) 1 Engineer fully certed to carry the maximum amount of mines cannot blow it up on his own they do not carry enough mines....

    You play the game and cert into mine guard at the same time the engineer is playing and certing into his mines. you both finish certing and oh look at that the engineers mine certs are effectively wasted and useless when faced with your sunderer....
  19. MarioO

    If you let the enemy drop C4 on your vehicle you definetely did something wrong. Vehicles are not supposed to be a close quarter weapon.
    It is very difficult to sneak up to an enemy tank, especially in a game with 3rd person view for tanks. So the player who is able to do this has to be rewarded. Or the player being killed by C4 punished, the choice is yours.

    Lock On weapons are a much greater danger to vehicles.
  20. FateJH

    You know what to do if an Engineer finds your S-AMS and you kill him before he can act the first time? you pick up AMS and move shop. Unless you think you can ride his hypothetical determination out where you are, or the wrath of the other members of his faction with whom he may reveal your location.