Cheating? Bug? Fix please.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drama214, Mar 29, 2019.

  1. Drama214

  2. PlanetBound

    Can't put my finger on it but something is off with your respawn screen. Anyone see it?
  3. ObiVanuKenobi

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  4. strikearrow

    He's clearly running a HP or invulnerability hack of some sort. Most cheaters do a less obvious cheat.
  5. ObiVanuKenobi

    Not possible. Especially not possible on Playstation 4.
  6. strikearrow

    It is possible. But it also might be a bug.
  7. ObiVanuKenobi

    No, it's not possible.
    Health and shields are server-side.
    And he's playing on Playstation 4 not PC. There's just no way.

    Hard to tell what happened in this vid. He's using a shotgun so maybe he simply got incredibly unlucky with pellet spread, you get a hitmarker even if only 1 pellet lands.
    Or maybe packet loss but that wouldn't get you hitmarkers. I wonder if it's possible to lose only a part of pellets from packet loss not the entire shot.
  8. WinterAero

    Definitely is possible. I've now had a russian person in game, show me it done on demand.

    So do stop apologizing for cheaters. I should have known you did all along, because you aren't stupid and presumably knew this was possible all along. You can set percentage mitigation to replace nanoweave, and even ENTIRELY block hit detection. Nice attempt at the lies though. How they do it is beyond me but the 3epg guy made it very clear its not much effort for anyone with the right little downloads. No wonder this game is junk, our 'vets' don't even actually know what is possible or isn't. They just quote the same 'it cant be done' ******** each time - when its literally demonstrably false. Yawn.
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    I see that the guy is having clearly no HP left and still takes bullet after is bit possible to survive that much hits, even if only one hits over time.

    It could be a bug or someone managed to somehow crack the PS4 like all consoles before were cracked... :/
  10. I'm so dead

    This happens to me all the time on PC. I can hit the person over 10+ times (some are headshots). They still have shield after I killed for them. That's where most of my deaths.

    I love the time I actually did headshot someone 17 times with 5 meters in front of me. Still got killed by him while he still had 50% health. Hit detection was shown every time.