Changes to 3rd person skeleton ready for testing

Discussion in 'Test Server: Announcements' started by Overhead, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. Anti-Skub

    And if you had a clue what you're talking about you'd notice that they ragdoll. But despite the video below clearly and unequivocally proving that you're wrong I'm sure you'll continue arguing about it like H1Z1 doesn't exist. I mean I don't know why I even responded to the rest of the nonsense you wrote as it's based on an incorrect assumption you made which makes it all gibberish, but here goes anyway.

    Yeah, and again, if you had a clue what you're talking about you'd know that the guy in the bottom right of that first video is Jimmy Whisenhunt, the senior game designer on H1Z1. That's who's word I'm taking. I mean I understand that you really want my information to have come from youtube comments as it would make you sound less clueless, unfortunately it's not true. The information I have comes from the devs on I follow on Twitter and their livestreams.

    It absolutely baffles me that your entire understanding of this subject seems to be based on what I've just told you and the videos I've just linked to you yet you bizarrely still seem to think you know more about it.

    It was you. For the third time, the reason I mentioned those games was to try and drum in to your thick skull the fact that not only do ragdolls not have to be serverside, it would be unusual if they were.

    No...they...would....not. That's not even true of the current animations, why the hell would it apply to ragdolls? I don't know how many different ways I can say this. NO other multiplayer shooter on the market has serverside ragdoll physics....why the hell do you think Planetside would need to be the first? You've just made up this random stipulation based on nothing (as you clearly know nothing on the subject) and now you're denying that it's possible based on your own conjecture despite being provably wrong.
  2. Geneaux

    And like all trailers, they're not the final product. You showed me dev, OK, but at least have decency to prove your point by actually explicitly shows/says he's a dev(as if the prior video and trailer supports this).

    It's called empirical deduction my friend. Its based off what I know, what I've seen, what's been said, and whatever you throw at me.

    Then how about actually refuting the point I've stated as to why it isn't there, instead of wasting my time with idea you won't defend yourself, because clearly, that's all you've done up to this point

    An animation can scripted, generated by way of physics, or but individually displaced joint by joint in a given figure or object. Its a broad term and always has been.

    That's rich; I've been saying that but you lack the vision to see where you are going. I never once even claimed or implied that severside ragdolls existed, and stated quite the opposite, a senseless amount of times now. On top of that, you've proved nothing. This is about PS2, not H1Z1; the fact that they use the same engine doesn't automatically result in solutions to problems and absence of features in other games. I may not necessarily have a dev backed reason you so cherish but at least I have plausible reasons based off prior knowledge. Your current assumptions, and assumptions they are, are no better than my empirical deduction.

    Since want to ignore everything the servers do to maintain smooth gameplay, this discussion needs to end here.
  3. Mechwolf

    Ahh, I can't wait to constantly look around corners in 3rd person making me near impossible to kill and always getting the drop on people who don't camp.
  4. Cz4rMike

    What about reading at least a page of the thread before commenting?
  5. NCDestroyer23

    What will this do?:confused:
  6. Scure

    Any news about this? Or its already implemented on live?
  7. TheKhopesh

    This bothers me SO much in-game!

    How am I supposed to tell if he's just hunkering down to reload, or if he's the guy pummeling into my skull?
    (Sometimes you don't see someone who's snuck up behind you, which has lead to far too many deaths because I turned to see where it was coming from, as it didn't appear to be coming from the guy who'd just ran off around the corner!)
    • Up x 1
  8. TheKhopesh

    So does this mean that my Phoenix won't fly through the chest cavity of an enemy on his flash without registering as a hit?

    As well, do the new changes to the hit boxes mean that I can finally kill someone from the side by blasting into the arm they're sticking out past their cover while ADS?
    Because it's a real bummer as a sniper when you see someone's beefy forearm sticking out, and you high powered sniper round that would have torn it said arm clean off just passes through like you shot an arm shaped cloud of smoke.
  9. Giioohn

    I have noticed, that when trying to headshot, bullets just fly through the very top part of the heads.

    It depends on what class and what faction the target is you are shooting at for how far you need to aim down.
    I have tested this on about 400 kills in VR training area. 10m - 50m - 100m.

    Needs confirmation from more people though.
    Screenshots are made, but I have no idea how to show them here.
  10. itechen2

    omg YES! and most likely no

    the flashes 3rd person view is re.tarded. i get that the gun has a limited angle but surely there is a way to control the gun in its limited capacity yet maintain a wider,at the very least 300 degree over the either shoulder view.
  11. Cookie5000

    This scared me, I thought he mean't third person playing view...
  12. bssitewontletmelogin

    Im ok with it if its like gears or G.R.A.W over the shoulder close to the body so there's no corner camping
  13. Crushermagoo

    :confused: how do i go into 3rd person view exactly?:confused:
  14. itechen2

    check you keybinds, i dont remember what default is.

    settings>keybinds>change camera

    under bother vehicle and aircraft tabs

    There was 3rd person in ps1. So why not?
  16. doombro

    You can use third person cameras to peek around corners. It would be fun, but, gameplay.
  17. Skiptrace

    Interesting, I had that bug on ANY class on ANY faction with the MKV-Suppressed, (hand clips through the barrel when turning right rapidly) seems to have been fixed on Live though.
  18. Downy

    Has this been implemented into the main game yet? Because I'm noticing an issue related to character models not facing in the same direction of there shooting direction. I have a quick image I created to demonstrate this issue.

  19. Nasher

    Yea 3rd person was REALLY bad for PS1's infantry gameplay :/
  20. Liquidrider

    I for one am looking forward to this. It will add a new dynamic and be able to check my own swag :D