Change the GD-7/f to 167 damage/ 700ish rpm

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FactionTraitsFTW, May 18, 2014.

  1. FactionTraitsFTW

    Make it happen SOE.

    If you are for faction traits, support this thread.
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  2. Adistron

    Yeah,dont forget ramp up fire rate of 143 damage tier weapons to atleast 900
  3. Uliseh

  4. phreec

    That's called the Bandit...
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  5. minhalexus

    To be equivalant to lynx, it needs to be 167@670.

    But since burst have its advantages, it will need to be nerfed to 167@660 for a balanced gun.
    I've already suggested this though.
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  6. Dis

    While we're at it, let's make it so composite 5 on libs causes flak to repair you.
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  7. Udnknome

    ...... Create a NC and use this gun for yourself. It's not as awesome as you think it is and it's already been hit with the nerf bat too many times.

    Items to note : Only has a 30 round mag with it burns in 2 seconds, yet, it takes 3 seconds to reload.

    NC call this the "Bullet Hose" for a reason. The bullets go pretty much where they want after you pull the trigger and it's out of ammo more often than not. It's only good for CQC because of this and in case you didn't know, CQC is the NC's battlespace.

    Buy a shotgun to counter it or engage it from a distance.
  8. z1967

    They want to make it more in line with the Faction trait of hard hitting (hence the 167 dmg profile) yet still be a competitive CQC weapon. They don't want to actually nerf it.
  9. Udnknome

    He's suggesting lowering the rate of fire. How does this not sound like a nerf?

    In order to change it to do what you say he wants, you'd have to increase the mag, lower the recoil, decrease the reload time. Then it is basically a different gun with a completely different playstyle. ... The AF-19 Mercenary already exists and has better stats.

    So you're saying he want's the gun gone.... in a roundabout way.
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  10. DrPapaPenguin

    Would you like it to fire high explosive grenades too?
  11. Goretzu

    Lowing the RoF, but increasing the damage per bullet = keeping the Damage Per Second/TTK similar.

    Basically the idea is the same as the Anchor vs. the Orion & MSW-R (although you are right it is not needed for balance reasons at all, the GD-7F is fine as is in that context).
  12. z1967

    The DPS would not change, the TTK might go up, the damage per mag might go up, the accuracy overall will stay the same, and so many other tweaks. SO basically, it would be a revamp of the GD-7F to make it more inline with the NC traits. Also, lower ROF is not a bad thing as long as the damage is brought up, this would basically be a buff to the weapon that is already outperforming the other NC carbines.
  13. Udnknome

    and it would still be a completely different gun that performs in a completely different way.

    BTW the AC-11X performs better as an all around weapon and has better DPS once you consider reload time/recoil.

    As other's have stated... the Bandit has these stats. unless you are suggesting a Bandit with the acc of a GD-7F, which would ultimately remove this weapon as a viable option in the NC arsenal.
  14. Regpuppy

    700 rpm on a 167 would be a bit cray cray. But since the release of the bandit, there's not much room for a higher rpm 167 weapon to be succesful. It would've been better if they made the GD-7F around 650-670 rof at 167 with the bandit being some 200 damage tier weapon instead, but since they released it recently I doubt it'll be touched on for awhile.

    Personally, I'd prefer a 167 version of the GD-7F. Once you learn how to control recoil more, the main wall we hit with it is that it's a TR gun without the TR mag. So it's easy to eat through a magazine before doing a lot of damage.
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  15. Codex561

    I just want a 167/600+RPM weapon for VS. Until that happens I wont even consider considering to promote this.
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  16. Kanil

    While we're at it, we really should lower the Cougar's damage to 143 and up it's fire rate and magazine size. 550 RPM is pitiful for a TR gun, and it only has 35 rounds of ammo.
  17. z1967

    Overall accuracy would stay the same (lowered or raised for the weapons other stats). The goal of this thread is to create a completely different GD-7F in the same way that the Lynx was changed. And it just so happens that the change would make it closer to the faction traits of high damage rounds.

    Yes, I am aware that the mid range focused ACX-11 has better stats, that is the purpose of a sidegrade (but it won't kill nearly as quick as the GD-7F before or after the change). Again, the point of this thread is to revamp the weapon to make it more in line with NC traits whilst not hampering it's actual performance.


    The point of the Cougar was to add a 167 dmg weapon to the TR's arsenal and also fill in a gap in the weapons. Well, they did that by cloning the GD-23 and adjusting some stats. Before it was yet another CQC weapon that would kinda just be shuffled in as a higher damage Jaguar. So yeah, it should keep the 167 dmg profile. Some people suggested raising the rpm to 577 (same as the VS 167 carbine) but I don't remember what that would change in terms of TTK/DPS and whatnot.
  18. maudibe

    Its called a "Flare" although its what 560RPM at 167 and has manageable recoil with forward grip and compensator ( I have one).
  19. Revanmug

    A 167/700rpm would be the most op carbine in the game.

    Let's not create a new monster...
  20. minhalexus

    The Title should have been:-

    Change the GD-7/f to 167 damage/ 660ish rpm

    At 660, it would be fairly well balanced with the Lynx.

    DPS:- 1837
    DPS of Lynx :- 1893

    Perfect TTK time:-

    TTK:- 0.45s
    TTK of lynx:- 0.46s

    Sounds fairly well balanced to me, of course they can make other adjustments, to make sure that this gun has a low headshot potential.
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