Change Medic Revives

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tristan, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. Flapatax

    With medics as they are you can't outplay a Zerg.
  2. Flapatax

    My most played class by far is medic. It's broken, plain and simple. Their lethality and ability to negate enemy progress at no real cost is ********.
  3. Posse

    I definitely agree, all of my likes to the OP.

    Happens to me so often, this is one of the main reasons fights become a numbers game 90% of the time.

    The TTK is not even low anyway, low TTK is what you see on CoD or BF.

    Make the corpse automatically dissapear in those cases.
  4. TheBloodEagle

    Even if they took away everything anyone complained about on the forums, there'd still be a Zerg...until the game population really drops and there's no one really fighting anymore. I don't think it's a good example, since they've been a contested subject since BETA.
  5. Tristan

    He wasn't implying that it would get rid of the zerg....
  6. Posse

    That's not the point, the point is that with revives as they are, numbers are much more relevant than skill to decide the outcome of a fight.
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  7. Flapatax

    A Zerg, once they are forced to leave their cert piñatas, are propped up by medics. Make medics actually need skill and situational awareness and suddenly a small force poses a threat to the horde of bads.
  8. Blarg20011

    Agreed, another mechanic I though of to limit MAX revives is to require them to be revived by both a medic and an engi, could even revive them at full health to compensate.
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  9. Tristan

    I'd actually be ok with a max being revived as a basic infantry class or something.
  10. TheBloodEagle

    I hate when people use the word skill as an all encompassing attribute; it's generic & vague. There are all kinds of skills. This game wasn't meant to be CS with big maps. One thing touted as a tag line was "Size Always Matters". That's why we are Factions & have over 2000 people fighting each other instead of Terrorist vs Counter-Terrorist 6 vs 6 30min match and spectate when dead.
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  11. Tristan

    The main skill in an FPS is shooting other mans. When shooting other mans can be rendered meaningless, there's a problem.
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  12. ChicoFuerte

    The Medic Tool should have a heat gauge like the Engineers repair gun.

    Certing the tool allows you to revive more friendlies before overheating, say 4 or so.

    Max's should take 2 or 3 times as long to revive so in effect 1 max revive is equal to 2 or 3 infantry revives (at max rank of the Medic Tool).

    Healing players should take little to no heat consumption.
  13. TheBloodEagle

    It's incredibly exaggerated to say meaningless because we already have to deal with time & traveling. Sometimes you have to travel 1000m to get back into the battle, sometimes you have to wait a while. That's already in the game. If we want pure shooting skill then make everyone who dies have to respawn at the Warpgate. THAT would be the ultimate penalty in this game and require TRUE skill to avoid. Go for that instead of fussing around to instead making a Medics job more annoying. As I said, I'd rather, and I think most would rather spend at least 75% of their time shooting & killing rather than waiting & traveling....which is why they made Instant Action better...

    As others mentioned, allowing the enemy to dispose of bodies and/or giving the Medic Tool a cooldown period like the Engineer tool is a much better idea than limiting revives, etc.
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  14. CrashB111

    They need to add the ability to remove a corpse from the battlefield if certain damage types were done to them. This would help stop the endless chain of zombie medics and put an end to the nonsense of shooting someone in the face with a tank cannon only to watch the magic medi gun rebuild a corpse that doesn't exist anymore.
  15. Flapatax


    If you get beaten by a force a third your size because you can't keep coming back from the dead instantaneously, then you're bad. And yes, shooting people better than they can shoot you is really the generic designator of skill in all shooters.
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  16. Blarg20011

    Yes pls. I would say Tank mines, C4, dumbfires, ES secondaries, Halberd, and BASR headshots should stop revives.

    EDIT: After reading the post below mine, I am undecided whether I should remove dumbfires, or add LMG's to the list.
  17. ChicoFuerte

    Or headshots could remove the corpse.

    Problem is when you reward explosive kills like that, then Rocket Primary Heavies become more prevalent because it's more tactically sound to spam explosives.
  18. TheBloodEagle

    This is where your lack of skill comes in. I'm sure you're the type of player the keeps respawning in the same overrun base instead of trying to take a different region or pulling a Sundy from a different location and setting up a new Forward Base, counter-attack or organizing a larger Defense at the next location. Yeah, "learns differently", more like playing smarter, playing with real skill a.k.a better situational awareness and bigger perspective instead of moaning about a Medic reviving people. Are you also the type to complain about OHK from rocketlaunchers, noobtubes, also nanoweave, etc? LAWLS.
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  19. ChicoFuerte

    You should google us. DasAnfall...
  20. Posse

    I could have said "numbers are more important than tactics, situational awareness of the leader and the members and individual skill of each member (reflexes, aim, whatever)". Same concept, but it's shorter to say that "numbers are more important than skill" in a broad meaning of the word "skill".
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