Change Esamir back

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cluelessclem, Apr 19, 2021.

  1. Cluelessclem

    It is time for the devs to admit this whole shattered warpgate thing was a stupid waste of resources that could have gone improving game performance and just change Esamir back. So many bugs that have been in game, and some for years, but instead of fixing those they try to make new content that is just horrible. I had high hopes for it, what a fool I am, but it was horrible. Stop compounding the error just because someone high up loved it. Poll your player base. New Esamir is horrible.
  2. MichaelMoen

    New as in you hate the storms, right? They heard you, those are going away soon.

    New as in the Biolabs are gone? They're being replaced with new large facilities, again, soon.

    New as in you miss the old third Warpgate and it's attached bases? Sorry to hear that, but I'm loving the shattered warpgate. I still build there and do the Tempest missions when possible, and I'm eager to continue the story.