Change Elite Version of Gun Requirements Please!

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by Loco, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. Loco

    /Rant on

    I have played and enjoyed planetside 2 since beta. What I am not however is someone who feels the need to get achievements. So I play infantry exclusively and consider myself one of the better players out there. What I do not like however, is the need to use 5 different weapons in order to show my "specialization" with that weapon group in order to unlock the new guns.

    I have approximately 21,000 kills with the Orion. I do not use other guns because why should I play with guns that don't feel as good to me as the ones I use? Why should someone who has 6,000 kills get a weapon that my 21k specialization will not?

    I am a little annoyed that what went from useless achievements to something that you are forcing everyone to attempt to attain. In my opinion it should be changed that 5x auraxium equivalent in kills with any combination of the guns within that category unlocks the weapons.

    Even burger king lets you have it your way, why do I have to play with 4 guns I do not like to show my "specialization" with the heavy assault class...

    So to recap, I am suggesting changing from require 5x Auraxium medals in a gun category (approximately 6k kills) to just 6000+ kills with LMG's in general.

    /Rant off
  2. Alarox

    They're prestige weapons. If you want the prestige for having them then you need to fulfill the specific requirements.

    I see where you're coming from, but the prestige of the reward is meant to show that you have mastery over a whole category of things.

    The point of the LMG is to show that you DO have mastery/specialization with the heavy assault class.
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  3. Adamar09

    No. You're missing the entire point of the thing.

    Your Orion is tired, Aeros. Give it a deserved break. See other people for a while. Catch Auraxitism from someone and see the world.

    PS your headshot rate is garbo
  4. NinjaTurtle

    You know you get a better Orion if you complete the directive? I'm sure you'd love it
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  5. drhead

    You might actually like some of the other LMGs if you try them. SVA-88 is a really nice gun, considering how it has almost no recoil. If you want to pursue the Betelgeuse, start with that one definitely.
  6. Regpuppy

    If all I had to do was keep using my Carnage or GR-22, changing nothing else about my gameplay, then I might as well get a participation trophy. The point of these is to switch up gameplay. You are not forced to do them, it's only that carrot part of your brain saying you should. You could ignore these with no ill effects, other than potential jealousy of some guys armor cosmetic with a weird effect or that guys slightly different AR.

    Let's get real, this doesn't harm anyone. For the players, it gives them a lot of arbitrary goals and opportunities to try out new gameplay they otherwise wouldn't have. From a business standpoint, it encourages achievement hunters to spend some of their SC/Cert stockpiles to get these weapons. Both sides win.
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  7. Loco

    I still think forcing someone to use 5 different weapons, essentially weapons that a FEW of them may not like is not right. The game should be fun, and while yea the SVA-88 is pretty good, by the time you get to the 5th gun you are down to scraps.

    Perhaps it is suppose to be a challenge, but forcing people to play with at least 1 bottom of the barrel gun (lets be honest) for over 1k kills seems un enjoyable.
  8. Elrobochanco

    I'll just say I agree that you should be able to get more than one auraxiums count towards directives by having that amount of kills. Also you should be able to get special variants of other guns if you multi aurax them. This is heresy, but I don't care about the orion or the solstice. Give me an auraxium Flare or Pulsar C, even if I need to get 6k kills with the original to earn it.
  9. Regpuppy

    Then do not play with said gun, it's your choice not to do so. You are not "forced" to do any of these directives. But yes, the point of the directives system, or any achievement system, is to either challenge you or shake up your regular gameplay. It is extra, non-required, tie-in to the main game.
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  10. WyrdHarper

    The ARX-66 shouldn't require Scout rifles, in my opinion, unless they want to give scout rifles to engineers/medics/heavies. The BR's are more support-oriented weapons than the scouts, and it makes no sense that a directive mostly earned by playing infiltrator gives a reward in another class.
  11. Jogido

    I rather think of it as a reward for people who go through the trouble, and honestly, I'm more impressed with people who diversify.

    That said, maybe the can give a lesser reward for people who has mastered one gun.