[Suggestion] Certs for metagame.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheTreeness, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. TheTreeness

    After playing Planetside 2 for awhile there is an overwhelming amount of people who prioritise cert farm over playstyles which help their respective faction advance in territorial control.
    You'd only need to look at the amount of people running towards spawn camping in comparison to the people actually running to fortify and speed up the capture rate by fortifying points.

    I've been wondering if certs could be used for the actual (temporary) fortifying of the main bases such as Tech Plants, Amp Stations, Bio-Labs and other main bases or special strategical minor bases. This would draw cert farm away from individual gain to something that benefits teamplay and more strategy to both the defending and attacking faciton.

    For example, just for arguments sake, an extra shield over the biolab base and reaching to the outer wall (phalanx turret wall) preventing enemy aircraft transport and attacks to the biolab base but leaving enough of a gap that enemy light assaults can jetpack onto the wall defenses from the outside.

    Point being that if enough certs are given by the defending faction (or attacking faction) special "events" will trigger making it harder for the attacking faction to capture the base (or defend).

    Any opinions on this?