CERTS - C.E.R.T.S. - Buy them!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BunnyHillPro, Feb 15, 2013.


    why even bother having a cert system to begin with, if you want to buy certs? just take out experience and make every upgrade in the game a paid upgrade. then everybody and their grandma can be on the same level from the get go.

    while you're at it, might as well just mirror weapon stats and vehicles across factions. make faction differences cosmetic only.

    if the devs listen to you people, we might as well be playing TF2 and fighting over the coolest hat.
  2. TheEvilBlight

    Go reductio!
    • Up x 1
  3. Dr. Allcome

    • Up x 1
  4. TheEvilBlight

  5. Dingus148

    I kind of agree with the people saying you shouldn't be able to Pay2MaxAll, but I kind of wish there was an alternative. I have to pay for weeklong boosters to make my Saturday gaming session have a decent cert rate. My passive rate stops after 24 hours. I have subbed to this game, but my job means I rarely have time to play between getting sent away from home and being stuck at work. I'm happy to throw money at this game because I honestly love it. But I waste so much of my investment due to circumstance that I can't help but begrudge it a little. Even if my passive rate was constant, the times I have to disappear for 3 weeks wouldn't hurt my progression so much.

    I'm not saying you should be able to pay for instant unlocks...but some kind of expensive, 24-48 hour mega boost would be an item I would regularly purchase because it suits my schedule. Effectively pay4certs, but with a playtime requirement. Alternatively, keep passive cert gain constant regardless of login for subscribers. I bought a 6 month subscription, I AM COMING BACK, and if I have a big pile'o'certs when I get back home then I'm going to be very happy with SOE. They effectively have money for nothing (for that period of time), the least they can do is throw me a token reward.

  7. Dr. Allcome

    But the diminishing number of players will be the devs problem.
  8. Talizzar

    They sell 1 hour boosts....................Next.
  9. TheEvilBlight

    Thought all the mature palates are playing Hearts of Iron, or even Victoria.
  10. Colt556

    To be honest, that's a warped outlook. This false sense of pride. "Well my tank is better because I earned it by playing a ton". Why should you care? You worked for your tank, if that makes you proud so be it, enjoy the game and enjoy your rewards. But if someone doesn't enjoy that, why should they be forced to do it? If I'm working a job and spend most of my day, every day, earning money, why shouldn't I be able to spend it in order to ignore the grind? I already grinded, I just grinded real life while you grinded the game.

    I just think this is what's wrong with society as a whole. People are so... bitter... so petty. Why do you care? I just don't understand. Why the ******* hell do you care how someone got their tank? How does it effect you? What does it change? If they earned their tank through thousands of hours of game time or by throwing down 30 bucks, what changes for YOU? Nothing. Their tank is no stronger. Their skills no better. Nothing changes for you. In fact, you wont even know. You'd have absolutely no way of knowing whether they farmed the certs to get their tank or simply bought them. If you literally have zero way of telling how someone obtained something, then it's not pay to win and as such... why. do. you. care?
  11. Xaturas

    Buy premium and boost is not enough? I mean really????????????????? Do you shoot with your feet or you want insta *Here's my CC now gimme nao I WIN button, and make it nuke everything in 100m radius*.
  12. Colt556

    Can SOMEONE please explain to me what advantage a player obtains by buying certs? What can they get that you can't earn for free? So they get flak armor a week earlier? How's that any different than someone certing flak armor while you certed something else? They have it, you don't. What changes?

    This is what you people will never understand, and this is what I will never understand about you people. It simply does not ******* effect you. You just HAVE to stick your nose into other peoples affairs because you're petty. You either can't or don't want to put money into it, and as such you don't want anyone else to have the option. Whether they bought the certs or earned them through gameplay, ultimately it does not effect you in even the most minor way. You people are literally getting upset simply because of the possibility. It wont alter your gameplay in any shape or form, yet you complain. Why? I just do not understand why you would care. There's so much wrong with this game and yet you latch onto "P2W" even though all it does is allow players to skip the grind. I just don't understand how people can be so petty and selfish and vindictive.
  13. Daioh

    i am against Cert Resets, personally, cause it really doesn't matter. you have infinite certs depending on how much time you put into it. plus, it gives them more value than they otherwise would have.

    plus, it gates people alittle bit from buying the overpowered flavor of the month, then just certing out when its nerfed.

    my thoughts.
  14. Yago

    Colt ya big puff !

    Nothing you said in this thread , it was an insult left over from a locked thread :p
  15. BunnyHillPro

    This exactly.
  16. Daioh

    cert boosters are already a thing.

    it also makes the game more enjoyable and gives people a reason to play the game. why should i get capture bases when i can just buy everything i want?
  17. Dingus148

    If it was $30 to max out his tank, it would cheapen his own achievements and I'd agree with him (on the feeling of being made cheap) that this is unfair. Allowing instant FoTM access to any idiot would end badly.

    HOWEVER. If the certs were more expensive...say, $8 for 1000 (more expensive than the going rate for weapons), then there might be less of a ballache. Roughly 50 bucks for a tank (in a freaking GAME) maxed out? That sounds a little more fair.

    I don't know for sure that this is why he's against it, but he's a damn good driver. It's not that he needs the advantage so much as he feels he needed to work for it. I think.
  18. Dingus148

    Why would you play the game if you only wanted to spend money on it? Just give your money to me :)

    Some of us have jobs with long hours. Some of us have a lot of commitment on our time. Why shouldn't we be able to play the game at a competitive level if we don't have the freedom to sink all week into it? I like rolling with my outfit on big ops, and my lack of gear hurts my performance. I don't want to have to endlessly grind The Crown or Allatum just to get the gear I need so I'm not a burden on my squadmates.

    And look at the bonus provided. It's not even worth your time, let alone your money.
  19. BunnyHillPro

    That's what you don't understand. I dont' cap bases for certs. I don't play this game for certs. I play this game to have fun and I will do this for a very long time. But, I don't get to play this game that I love very often due to work/school and therefore don't get the chance to unlock much. I don't care about certs or the grind I just want to have things unlocked so that I can enjoy them in the time that I get to play. I have dispensable money that I would be more than happy to use to support this game and keep all the free players playing free, but people dont want me to have fun. People that play 4000 hours for a tank want me to have to grind when all I want to do is pay a little money, hop in a tank, and have fun. Now of course I don't need all of the upgrades and I play anyway and I have fun. But, I want to buy certs.
  20. Springheel Jack