Cert Respec

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PyroPaul, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. PyroPaul

    We sorely need a Cert Respec option, even if it costs SC to do.

    It was in the first PS, and it alone would greatly help both understand and find the play styles and builds they want with out hampering them in a competitive environment...

    The only reason i can assume why there is no Cert Respec is because of SC...
    SC buy something on sale... respec, get 1000 certs for less then 500 SC.

    So as a suggestion to possibly get around this...
    Why not just make Respec Remove all of the Certs put into classes, vehicles, and guns...
    Removing the upgrades, so to speak, rather then trying to mess with the Cert/SC conflicted unlocked weapons.

    I would be all for this...
    • Up x 2
  2. Tobax

    No its because certs are unlimited and you can just earn more, has nothing to do with SC and thats always been kept separate from certs to ensure it doesn't become pay2win.
  3. NexAnima

    Bring back the old cert system and we would have a need for respec. As already said, unlike other mmos with respec, you can be errything all the time with unlimited certs. Just imagine in 1-2 years where the only thing not fully certed is what ever new stuff they add. The only question is will they be able to keep up with the vets who will have a 30k cert pool ready to drop on the new stuff.
  4. Xil

    I personally liked having a 'cap' where you COULDN'T do everything. This approach isn't going to get rid of the "one man army", just force them to switch kits to do it.
  5. Talizzar

    I would like to see this.

    Many people wasted certs not understanding that they could not use nano, flak, shield all at the same time, etc....

    Once at lvl 10 and 20 and pay for the rest with certs (??) or $$$$.

    I don't understand the pushback for this? Do you really think it will matter, do you really think you would know the difference if an enemy had re-certed?
  6. Gavyne

    I would pay money to do a cert respec, and I'd probably pay to do it a second time after experimenting some more. I've wasted so many cert points experimenting and making mistakes getting upgrades I didn't need, something like a cert respec would be awesome.
  7. maxkeiser

    I have 2600 certs I've not even used. There's really no need.
  8. Garzin

    That is actually a good idea
  9. Malsvir Vishe

    People are willing to pay real money to Sony for this option, but don't expect it anytime soon. In Luperza's stream on Wednesday, she said that they might offer it in the future, but it's got a very low priority if they even bother with it.
  10. Autarkis

    Certs = My Time

    Don't hold my time hostage or I'll stop giving it to you. Get it?
    • Up x 1
  11. PyroPaul

    ... that makes absolutely no sense what so ever.

    Regardless of certs being unlimited or not, bad choices punish you and literally can set you back Days to Months. In the competitive play field such punishment for often idle choices between often confusing or misleading upgrades is too harsh and has lead to a massive deviation between players effectiveness.

    Further more, it probably has Everything to do with SC.

    A cert Respec would imply that you would include Re-locking items you purchased with Certs... But currently the game doesn't track exactly how you obtained a weapon, only that it has been obtained. If all items where locked again and you where refunded their cert cost, SC could then be converted Directly to Certs.

    And because SC doesn't convert to a constant Cert value, it would not only be unfair for some players, but also ruin the SC market devaluing the cash and thus hurting their SC sales...
  12. Jeslis

    ^ This. So this. PLEASE.

    They could EASILY do a SC refund instead of Cert refund for all weapons, thus preventing any Cash for Certs option. -- This would let me dump the weapons I'm not liking/using for 2 of my classes, and let me check some out on a 3rd, etc...
  13. Tobax

    Which is why as I said they won't allow it because if they did it would become pay2win, you should never be able to buy certs.
  14. Cute-CandyPants

    planet side 2 is pay 2 win.

    while the free to play are spending their 1 month playing 24/7 to save the 1000 certs to get a weapon the people paying for their weapons not only dont have to work for that weapon but can spend those certs the free to play user is trying to save for his weapon elsewere,to make your character stronger and buy upgrades.
    dont forget paying players can buy premium and boosts further increasing their cert gain to upgrade themselves further.
    by the time that poor free to play player has got his gun,the pay to win users will have fully upgraded everything.

    this game is pay to win and stop saying it is not
  15. Tobax

    Buying weapons gives it to you sooner rather than saving up 1000 certs but they are side-grades and are not any stronger so the player is no more powerfull, if the gun does more damage per shot it shoots slower so its balanced. Boosts earning you more exp are nothing but another time saver not a power upgrade.

    It is not pay2win because you can earn everything for free (apart from cosmetics), you can be total level BR100 with all weapons and guns unlocked with all atatchments for infantry and vehicles/aircraft, all certs earnt giving you access to EVERYTHING in the game and yet spent a total of $0.
  16. Talizzar

    Good for you. You are not level 5 or 10 are you. Why should I have to wait? Who does that benefit? Nobody.
  17. Talizzar

    What? You earned the certs so you are being given the opportunity to re-train. You are not buying anything. You are paying for a privilege to do so. Nothing more.
  18. Tobax

    I meant if the example above was used where a bought gun was given back as cert points, as then you'd be given up to 1000 certs for a purchased SC gun effectively meaning the certs were bought. So just meant that shouldn't happen.
  19. I Keel You!

    but free time isn't infinite
  20. illgot

    Here is an idea... pretty novel one.

    People against recerting... do not use it!

    I know, it's a crazy idea!

    For Sony or Developers, charge 500 SC to allow people to recert their whole account. Makes your players happy, makes you happy because they are spending more cash on your game.

    Let people spend their SC to test out upgrades, or play with different builds for a night.

    "ohh flavor of the month builds will ruin the game!"

    hahaha, yes I hope people spec into flavor of the month builds, I will be the player specing to counting those lemmings.