Cert Generator?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrimsonBear, Nov 9, 2013.

  1. CrimsonBear

  2. WyrdHarper

    Those leaderboards have been extremely bugged for ages.
  3. HooWoo

    Lolwat it took 6 hours for #2 to get 180k score, how are they so slow :L
  4. Solo59486

    I was wondering about that as well, I guess the leaderboards are messed up again? for that guy only?

    btw notice that only 2 NC are on the first page? NC UP plz buff
  5. Morti

    A while back sony gave certs to players who bought NS weapons twice with SC.

    Maybe this guy hasn't logged in for a really long time?
  6. SquattingPig

    Lol, Connery. All the dedicated NC players have quit.
  7. Kugelfisch

    So, if I read that correctly he gained all of his 84 Battleranks in that time? Looks kind of buggy.
  8. Solo59486

    No, he played after that also, I know cause we killed each other at some point the last few months.