CERT ALERT: Do not put 500 Certs into NanoKit 6

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. ent|ty

    CERT ALERT: Do not put 500 Certs into Nano Armor Kit 6.

    1) 1 Cert
    2) 10 Certs
    3) 30 Certs
    4) 50 Certs
    5) 150 Certs

    The leap from Level 5 Nano Repair to Level 6 Nano Repair, which costs you;

    6) 500 Certs


    Don't believe me? Go ahead and spend it then.. and notice that you can repair 1-2 more bars than you did before, and that your tool cools down a TINY bit faster.

    The most increase is from Level 1 - 5, for only 241 Certs.

    Then SOE decides to really pump your ***, by ripping you off with the ultimate 500 Cert that does little increase or even noticeable improvement.

    SOE are the kings of hustling. This is a hustle. Bait people in with noticeable increases with early low level cert costs.. then stick it to them with a big whopper.

    If this isn't a case for CERT REFUNDS I don't know what is.

    Well I got one of my own. Cancelled subscription.

    Quit being so ******* greedy SOE..

    Are you going to do this with the 1000 Nanoweave Armor on the HA too? At this point, I WILL NOT be certing that up, because I expect to get ripped off.

    Good job instilling trust in your customers.
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  2. TehFrederick

    False. The level 6 jump is very nice. I got it and I love it. The difference between each level is the same, just price goes up. You are honestly over reacting to it. Getting that is crucial for any engineer worth a cent. I have played engineers for 130 or so hours by now, and I do not regret a cert I put into him.
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  3. Big Cyz

    That means SOE are hustling you for your money
  4. Compass

    It's the difference between life and death.
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  5. Cirevam

    The lesson here is "never buy anything without thoroughly researching what it does." Even then there's no guarantee it won't change next week. Consider everything a gamble.
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  6. R4GING

    Says the Heavy Assault guy to everyone else (including engis).
  7. Eric Smith

    Certs =\= Money

    At any rate I've had the highest level Repair Tool for a long time. It was my first 500 Cert Upgrade and I think it was well worth the investment. I spend a fair amount of time repairing turrets at random bases just to get XP, mainly because I can do it while watching TV. Extra speed here means I spend less time XP mining (or get more XP for my time spent). I also spend time repairing my tanks, backing up Maxes, and repairing turrets in combat situations and the extra speed is invaluable there.
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  8. evansra

    I kinda expected it to be that way, in a game where they are aiming for a small difference from a noob to a vet the low lvls of everything in game are the best with diminishing returns. the difference is you will be that little bit better than the competition for a long time :)
  9. Raital

    Eh. It's not a complete ripoff, but I would say if you're cross classing you're better off getting level 6 medic gun first. Difference between the level 5 and 6 medic gun is huge in terms of applicability. Level 5 and 6 repair gun, eh, not so much. If you're a dedicated engy, though, it's not like you really have anything else to spend certs on once you got your mines, C-4, your gun tricked out, and your armor/pouch, though.

    I do wish the repair gun got extra range with its upgrades like the medic gun does, though. It can't be any more ridiculous than having me being able to revive people out in the open from around a corner where I'm safe from retaliation.
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  10. untilted

    it might not be efficient, but it might be effective.
  11. Xebov

    I dont see the Problem. The higehr upgrades are for maxing out the classes. Its the difference between playing a class now and than and realy playing that clö*** most of the time. I have this Upgrade too and i dont regreat it, it was realy usefull so far.
  12. MaxDamage

    Rank 6 allows you to repair a turret from 0 to full health with only 2 attempts. Rank 5 doesn't.
    It makes a noticable difference if engy xp is your thing.
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  13. Ruvan

    There are some problems with the certification system. This is not one of them. This is a problem with OP's brain.

    The certificate system was designed like this on purpose so as to allow experienced players to still get minor increases in vertical progression even if they already have 3 kabillion certs. It's inspired by Eve's progression system. If OP had a brain he would leave off getting 500 end-of-line certificates until he has upgraded a lot more.

    The fact that you can't spend your certificates properly is not a flaw with the system, it's a flaw with you.
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  14. RblDiver

    Eh, I did it because it was bugging me to not have the max level. I knew it wasn't really worth it, but got it anyway. At least now I can fully repair a turret in 2 "sessions" rather than 2-and-a-bit :p lol
  15. St0mpy


    I was happy on 3 pips for a while, I could do AA guns in 3 hits, generators in 2 but then I had a big idea to get one more pip and was annoyed that it still took 3 hits and that upgrade saved me only a second or so in a whole 3 round fix, so I had to spend another pip (making 5) to see if it got close, it didnt. It still took three hits, even though the last hit was half it was still three.

    It takes that final 6th pip before it actually becomes a useful upgrade from 3 pips, very annoying and expensive, id probably still be on three if I knew.
  16. Jac70

    I was just gonna ask this question - is it worth bothering with this?

    But if it means you can fully repair a turret in 2 cycles rather than 2 and a bit then I think it's worth the certs. You will be saving a cooldown cycle and at little bit extra for every turret. I'm gonna get this next.
  17. JohnnyMaverik

    Nanoweave already does practically nothing, don't cert it up.
  18. St0mpy

    Well its not a full cycle if you short your tool cycles to thirds, I even out the gains over the three cycles so each one is a bit shorter ... going full cycle on the tool (till it clicks) actually takes longer than short cycling at any level.
  19. Jac70

    You sure? I am on Lvl5 and I can almost completely heal a turret with two cycles. I would be surprised if the final cert level didn't allow you to fully heal a turret in two cycles. Can I get some clarification from other lvl6 users. I'll keep my certs until I hear otherwise.
  20. kingduckling

    you can heal a fully damaged turret with 2 cycles w/o overheating(as in just stop and cooldown before overheat).
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