Ceres, Cobalt, Miller on monday primtime 2013

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by haldolium, Sep 3, 2013.

  1. haldolium





    Either most VS players have girlfriends and TR/NC players don't or something is seriously wrong with this game.
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  2. Larolyn

    My GF plays NC with me on Cobalt. Yeah we have a TR infestation right now. Recommended server and all that. I much prefer 40% VS to 40% TR. VS are more fun to fight.
  3. Arquin

    Everything is as should be. Nothing to complain about over here.
  4. CaligoIllioneus

    Waterson is similar... TR with the highest pop, then NC, then Vanu with the smallest population.
  5. Pikachu

    Less vanu = good. They have the best players, they don't need the numbers.
  6. Vixxing

    No one wants to play against Strikers... Many VS pilots i know on cobalt simply switched to TR cause its 10* easier to fly as TR... (not to mention Anchored prowlers with AP that eats LIB's as snacks, just point and click, same ease to hit as the "feared" Lancer, just 8 times the damage)
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  7. JonboyX

    What? Who said that?

    You know no-one can read your text on a black background if you're Vanu you know ;)
    Best stealth buff ever that btw. Oh, and a pun too.

    Back OT: yes. 4th empire do TR.
  8. gigastar

    And what about that other EU server... whats it called...

    Er... Woodman! Thats the one. What about Woodman?
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  9. IamDH

    i know his VS name
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  10. NightmareP69

    Welcome to Terranside 2, it's what happens when you make an empire with Red and black colours + communist/fascist propaganda + helmets with gas masks, it makes all the 12 year olds cream their pants.
    It's the most popular cosmetic combo and ideology in video games for some reason.
  11. Swoo

    Red and black have been scientifically proven to be the most striking color combinations the human eye registers (and because of the red/blood, black/death symbolism the Western world has, movies and t.v. made it the go-to choice for color when you want to present someone as incredibly deadly or sinister), while yellow is the first the eye picks up.
  12. Mxiter

    That don't avoid TR on ceres to finish auraxis wide tech plant alert with 1/7 tech plants :D.
  13. WaiZen

    In Woodman it's the other way around during alerts so we're left out. :<
  14. MrMurdok

    I say, what the FREC are you talking about?
  15. Mastachief

    Takes a special kind of person to play vs...... just saying.

    Two conventional empires (Weapons / Vehicles / Armour)

    One Weird *** empire with floating tanks, odd looking feminine armour, WTFLASERS weapons. (Vs have some of the best rifles and the best max with a ESF thats like trying to shoot a dinner plate) ... they are just special.
  16. Mxiter

    2-3% pop difference isn't significant on primetime especially with unorganized factions (4th factionners farming trait).

    I just feel bad for cobalt where the TR get respectiveley 11 and 15% over the NC/VS. Was it the end of an alert or does it sucks so much?
  17. HappyT

    2-3%? I see 7-10% difference in population here which is huge and I think this is taken on prime time because the title says that.