[Suggestion] Carbines/ARs need an ammo buff to combat HA Shied/LMG, 30-40 bullets ain't enough!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by G.O.A.T, Jul 20, 2021.

  1. Demigan

    Ambusher shotgun LA's are easy to kill. I still havent seen an Ambusher being used in a way that made it superior to other jumpjets. If you jump straight at someone from the front they have the time to out-DPS you and if they do it from the flanks then the drifter and basic jumpjet are far superior to get into position in the first place and have more control to land where they want.

    I really think this is an issue with your ability to handle threats rather than the Ambusher LA being a cancer. The LA is at a disadvantage rather than an advantage when they jump from the front.

    Also if you havent noticed, flight suit no longer gives fuel on a kill but reduces the cooldown for ambushers to recharge and increases fuel capacity (but not recharge) for the other jumpjets.
  2. InexoraVC

    To the beginning.
    Get, for example, TR's Carv and TAR:
    T9 CARV: 750 rpm, 143/10, 112/65 dmg model, magazine size = 100, 5.4/6.2 reload
    TAR: 800 rpm, 143/10 100/60 dmg model, magazine size, 2.97/4.11 reload

    What If we increase TAR's magazine size ? TAR will outdps any LMG including Butcher and will become the new real bullet hose.
    Let's take it further.
    What if we increase Cycler TRV (845 rpm) magazine size ? Think about it: 845 rpm + 143/10 and 100/60 dmg model + for example 60..75 magazine size. What it would be ? What LMG can be competitive with such a monster ?
    What if we increase KUWA's magazine size ? This beast is an AR acually and has a laser accuracy.

    That is why it is a BAD idea to increase AR magazine size, because it makes LMGs non competitive (as well as all of the Carabines).