Carbine Class attachments that don't work

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by Tegamus, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Tegamus

    So after about an hour of testing with a friend in game I've come to the conclusion that the foregrip and compensator attachments don't work, PERIOD Tested the Trac 5 S, Trac 5, Trac 5 Burst, and Jaguar with the foregrip and without foregrip, no change in firing pattern, tested at marked stationary position with no mouse pull and full clip each test (should note tested with iron sites, NV scope and HDS x3) . Also the compensator on the Trac 5 S does not work. Makes a hell of a lot more noise, no reduction in recoil at all, tested at same time as foregrip, with foregrip on and off.
  2. Ghoest

    I made a post explaining how they actually work over at PSU a couple of days ago. Sfter doing a lot of wall tests.

    They do work - just not as they say in the tool tips.

    1 NOTHING changes the firing pattern ever.
    2 Compensator reduces directional travel both vertical and horizontal.
    3 Forward grip reduces the slight back and forth recoil found in all autos.

    So the compensators do help - your bullets will still pattern at the same angle but the line of bullets will be shorter.
    Forward grip only have a noticeable effect at long fairly long ranges and and even then it only reduces back and forth bouncing.
  3. Nature

    I have never noticed any difference in horizontal recoil when using compensator, just vertical. And horizontal recoil is the more important type of recoil, especially in weapons with side to side recoil.
  4. Tegamus

    when is the last time you tested them, as of 6 days ago they dont work, the firing pattern both hip firing and siting does not change, incase your not aware of how recoil actually works there should be a extremely noticeable change in the firing pattern between having the foregrip applied and not applied. the pattern should tighten up when on and firing from the hip on the horizontal plain, also when sited there should be hardly any shifting to the right at all. with the foregrip on and off while siting the fire pattern still drifts upwards and to the right in the EXACT SAME PATTERN. as for the compensator the same principle applies but on the vertical axis. so the application of the compensator and foregrip should tighten the cone of fire or pattern when firing from the hip and tighten further when siting. I would be more than happy to provide screen caps and you can meet me in game on Jaeger to test them together along with the other person I tested with, its one thing if I'm playing solo and have the problem, completely different when I have some else on a completely different toon testing the same thing standing right next to me
  5. Tegamus

    to add to the problem, there should not be a discernible firing pattern in the carbine class in general, it should not recoil upward and to the right on every single model, which it does. the fact that anyone can fire the class and immediately say there is a distinct pattern means there is a problem, there should be a completely random pattern, differences in model alone should change the firing pattern to begin with, and change further especially with applied attachments
  6. Ghoest

    Wall of text - but you re saying things that dont even make sense.

    Recoil have NOTHING to do with COF t- otally separate.

    Go back and reread what i said and pay attention to the details. Then go test - your results will match what i said.
  7. Ghoest

    Take a gun with high horizontal recoil.
    Shoot a wall pattern.

    Now put a compensator on it.
    Shoot a wall pattern right beside the first one.

    You will saee that both sets of recoil are at the same angle but the one with the compensator makes a shorter string.
    This is because the compensator is reducing both vertical and dirctional recoil and its doing it proportionally.

    *do this 3 or 4 times t just to make sure you arent being fooled by random variation is you only do 1 set.**
  8. Tegamus

    Apparently you don't read that's exactly what I did with a friend and there is no changes at all and also recoil dictates cone of fire when your not manually correcting
  9. Iridar51

    Cone of Fire and recoil are different things.
    Cone of Fire is, basically, a circle, which will cover your bullet spread area. Let's say, gun has zero recoil. But bullets still won't hit one single point, they'll have spread. Angle of this spread is called cone of fire. This spread grows with each shot.
    Laser Sights, for example, supposed to reduce (tighten spread) this cone of fire.
    CoF grows with each concecutive shot.

    Recoil is a term used to describe pattern, at which this circle (cone of fire) is moving when you fire.

    When you're not manually correcting, you're just letting recoil to freely move this cone of fire.