Capture points (Territory)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRunDown, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. TheRunDown

    This is an idea of mine, some of you may not believe this is a good idea, but I really do hate players whos only role in the game is to troll points all day and not join the fight, though I have no problem killing players of this type, their relentless game style is annoying.. Running around capturing territory's on their own one after the other.

    I believe all territory's should have a Minor, Normal and Major capture zones;
    Minor zones require 1 person to start the capture and 1 to continue the capture..
    Normal Zones require 2 players to start the capture and 1 to continue the capture.
    Major zones should require 2 to start and 2+ to continue the capture.

    Having players on the point to continue the capture is a good idea to put a end to ghost captures, this isn't a something that should be in the game.

    Minor territory's are capture points that have little or no influence and resources. (a link)
    Normal territory's are capture points that rearm, offer tech vehicles and aircraft. (a valued asset)
    Major territory's are capture points that add of huge benefit to the empire. (Amp Station, Bio Lab, Tech Plant etc..)

    Though many may disagree, I can only see those who don't as players who solo and or lone wolves that add little or no team work, witch isn't the nature of this game in my opinion, but my overall idea should increase team play, less empire double teaming and will promote more progressive game play in the long run.

    Feel free to express your ideas or opinion to the current territory capture system.
  2. Rominion

    So you want 4 people to capture a major zone? If someone can capture a major zone with less then 4 i would be amazed anyway.
  3. TheRunDown

    no, i mean 2 start the actual capture and 2 people need to remain on the point make it trick up or down.