cant see a difference on NC6 saw with and w/o grip

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Achmed20, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. Achmed20

    ok please someone SHOW me the difference on a gaus saw with and without grip.
    i cant figure out any difference wether i use a grip or not.

    as far as i understand the grips reduce horizontal recoil which is the wandering of a weapon to the left or right when firering. problem is ... my saw doesnt move to the left or right. so what is the grip compensating?
    bulletspray / COF feels the same aswell. i did videos, screenshots and compared them (fireing at a wall) and i cant see anything. so w t f is every1 saying to get a grip for that gun?

    ps: ACX-11 is pretty much the same issue. it has a dv. grip but it doesnt feel like its doing anything
  2. JesNC

    There is horizontal recoil - but it's even. That means that the gun alternates beween juddering to the left and to the right with every other shot. The forward grip reduces both, so you get more of a straight line instead of a zigzag when firing without recoil compensation.

    The problem with even horizontal recoil is that you can't compensate for it manually, so IMO forward grip is a must have on the SAW.
  3. Quor

    As Jes said, but horizontal recoil is much more noticeable at range too. Try firing at a target ~100m away without the grip and keep an eye on the shot pattern without adjust for vertical recoil. Then try it with the grip, and then the advanced grip, and see what the shot pattern looks like. Each time you add a grip level (no grip to grip to adv. grip) you'll notice that the line of bullet holes get's narrower with each grip level.
  4. RHINO_Mk.II

    I find it's fairly easy to see if you stand at the infantry weapons terminals at the end of the warpgate platform and shoot towards the vehicle ammo towers.... should be around 125m
  5. KnightCole

    Lol, their is almost no use for a Grip on NC guns. The laser would be a much better upgrade, as it lets to add Semi Accurate Hip firing to the mix of deadly tactics available to the NC. The NC6 I notice no left and right recoil even without the Grip as well. Put a Compensator on the NC6 and you make the upward recoil quite manageable as well.