can't re-deploy anti aircraft turret

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Sky_collapsed BL, Jan 28, 2019.

  1. Sky_collapsed BL

    Ok so i figured i'd put a bit of Day break cash in my account and grab a few useful PMB supplies.

    The issue is the anti aircraft turret can't be re-bought using just the cortium but the spawn tube can.

    So what gives? I understand you have to buy the blue prints of items like spawn tube, anti air craft turret, etc etc but from my understanding once you've bought it with either day break cash or certs I thought you could simply just use the cortium to build it?
  2. Inogine

    Yo Sky-Collapsed BL. Have you built the silo and tried using the console to build them? Should have a cortium option once you've purchased them.

    EDIT: Or is the problem that you wish to place multiple?
  3. Sky_collapsed BL

    When I first bought it i was able to place it down but I deconstructed it because i wanted to move it but it told me that it wasn't unlocked.

    I have started a new base on a new map and placed a silo but it still tells me it is locked even though I used the Day break cash to initially unlock it which I would assume would keep it unlocked?

    I don't know if there's a bug or something but i'm feeling a bit ripped off currently.
  4. Inogine

    Send a support ticket. It should remain unlocked unless you're placing multiples. I think multiples means you have to unlock each usage of them. I don't build enough to know. But regardless, if there are none placed by you currently you should be able to use cortium so I'd label it a bug.
  5. Sky_collapsed BL

    Yeah I was double checking it over today now everything fresh and I also verified game files just in case something has happned but it still tells me it's locked.
  6. Talthos

    Can you post screenshots of what this looks like?