Can't get a hit with sniper rifle

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Exostrike, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. Exostrike

    I just can't land a hit with the sniper rifle in this game. Playing with default TR gun with x12 scope.

    There the shift hold the target which last for only a second so you can't line up the shot proberly. Secondly the enemy never stands still long enough for me to take them down. Yet when I player any other class I'm always being one shotted by snipers, almost always with the 1000 certs top sniper rifle.
  2. Ripshaft

    There is no "top sniper rifle". The basic tr rifle is quite good, though it does take awhile to learn. You don't use the hold breath to aim, you use it to shoot. If you time your shots so that you fire the second and third (and potentially forth) shots immediately after the recoil resets, you can get all shots with more or less perfect accuracy. It's similar to how the vs semi auto works, or the nc semi auto, just look around the forum im sure you can find a better post about how to use the sniper rifles effectively.

    Basically while it is much easier to snipe with a bolt action, especially for an inexperienced player, your rifle is plenty decent, it's just a matter of you having to learn to use it... which honestly I think is really good. Having weapons which actually take time to learn to use effectively is a damn good sign of quality to me.
  3. Bloodmyth

    Stay with it, you can only get better and before you know it you will forget how hard it was for you in the early days. I also like the fact it isn't too easy, I don't want everyone being a sniper hiding in the hills with me ;p
  4. Exostrike

    I find with engineer that the hills are already spawning with snipers. So unless everybody are expert snipers there somthing I'm missing.
  5. Rigsta

    Lose the 12x scope imo. Semi-auto sniper rifles are not very effective at the sort of ranges that the 12x scope would be used for (250m+), and it has alot of sway.

    Scopes are a real personal preference choice but give the 8x a try.
  6. Timeraider

    Only use 12 times scope at a bolt-action.
  7. A 59 c

    Aim for the top of the head for those furthest shots else centre head is good.
    Practice in your warpgate on your teammates
  8. amega

    Practice practise practise and 1000 certs top rifle =)))
  9. LeanV

    It all comes down to practice, practice, practice.

    I'm personally great with both bolt-actions and semi's simply because I took my sweet time with deciding to get the bolt, but in all honesty the semi isn't as bad as everyone makes it out to be. 3 body shots will kill all infantry (without nanoweave), and 1 headshot and 1 body shot will also kill most. That sounds like a lot of rounds into one target, but the semi also allows you to shoot much more impulsively.

    After playing with the semi for so long, I've also noticed that if you fire rapidly (yet controlled) at a target, YOU WILL HIT HIM TWICE before he begins to run (if you were on target, of course). That leaves you to rapidfire and pray for the one last hit to finish him off if your previous 2 shots were bodyshots, and unlike the bolt-action, it is feasable to take potshots at sprinting infantry because of your much faster firerate. I typically use only a x10 scope, as it allows you to see more of the peripherals around your target.

    Once adjusted to the projectile speed and drop, you'll find the bolt-action's ability to drop someone in one shot to be invaluable, HOWEVER it is worth mentioning that the semi is not as useless as everyone makes it out to be.
  10. iller

    The bullets are too slow in this game. Most shots on moving targets are atleast 50% luck unless they're moving in a straight line.

    Play engineer or medic if you can't shoot at heads. OR... find a single-player game with similar bullet phsyics first and practice for 4 hours a day for the next 3 months until you're able to hit more than 40% accuracy if you really insist on being a "sniper". Option C> farm 600 certs unlock Claymores and just hope people are in such a hurry that they don't see the Shoe-Box + super obvious Glowing Greeen lasers attached to it.

  11. Tyzh

    Use the default scope on the semi-auto and get closer to your targets. You have no business being at 12x scope range with that rifle.
  12. Synobal

    Don't stand still while you're repairing that is how I get 90% of my engineer kills. I went on a kill streak last night of engineers who kept trying to repair the same turret.

    There was about 5 of them and I killed them all about 4 times each, they were looking all over for me and I was on the strut that connects the land pads to the towers. They were looking all out in the distance, and far off, but never bothered to look up. Until one of them spawned as light assault and started checking roofs, and must of seen my shot on someone.
  13. Kalocin

    I personally use the 10x scope and seem to be able to get a ton of shots...Except I use a bolt action which I highly recommend (which is only about 250 certs for a really decent one) getting used to before going semi, which is arguably more useful lol. A good trick I do is I use the motion of the scope to aim my shot and hold shift and fire quickly rather than aiming with shift held. Likewise, it really is a practice thing...You need to get a feel for the movement and know when to shoot, and whom is not worth tracking (ie a heavy running towards a room will be worthless compared to the engineer in a turret or a medic hiding behind cover). Also another issue is going too far...While it is possible, it requires some insane patience which you probably shouldn't start off with.

    Anyways, the most important thing is not your shots but your placement. If you are out in the open, you will rush your shots, while if you're hiding behind cover with a good idea of enemy positions, you can comfortably observe the best targets.
  14. Benevon

    That TR was an idiot lol.

    Based on other posts here, it seems the lasers are only visible to those close by when it is placed. Strange mechanic for sure
  15. Dulu


    This is clearly the first game you've played with any sort of a physics engine. (Granted, this one isn't that great)

    ^ 850 meter's.. my longest 1hk in this game is just short of 600 meters.
  16. Frosty The Pyro

    huh, I have actualy never seen the green lasers, though i have seen (and killed) claymores before, i had always assumed they just didnt show up for enemies. wonder it its because of my graphics settings.
  17. Inu

    Only problem with bolt action is leading targets. This game's netcode is a POS, extremely inconsistent and choppy at times. Semi-snipes counter this by providing quicker accuracy correction since you can refire and see where your bullet is going at the same time. I have 0 problem leading targets in BF3, in this game it's ridiculous.

    The other problem with sniping is sniping itself, its counter intuitive, as soon as i kill someone, they prop back up and run to a respawn for ammo because of these pesky little medics hiding behind boxes. I feel incredibly useless. I've devolved into infiltrating a corner behind the enemy and killing only medics, they swarm like little gnats shooting green beams at corpses on the ground, only to find there own demise constantly being caught in crossfire. But since there are 3 medics for every 1 non-medic it's like watching that WarZ trailer with Brad Pitt. Medics swarming on top of medics.
  18. iller

    I'm 90% sure that's the reason... Though I don't have them unlocked so I can't go in and experiment to figure out which it might be. Here's my USEROPTIONS.ini (based on fastest CPU performance even though it's "Ultra") just in case there's a chance it might help you narrow it down:

  19. Azimaith

    You need to learn to lead and compensate for bullet drop with the sniper rifle, and if you're looking to get kills, get a Bolt Action sniper (any kind) which gives one hit kills to the head on almost everyone. Then just figure out your drop and lead and start popping heads with a 12x scope. If you really want to be lazy (or snipe for an extended time) ignore moving targets and wait for them to stand still, then pop them in the head.

    Enemy snipers are particularly good choices for this sort of thing.
  20. TheFatKid

    awesome imagery there