can't believe my eyes

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by simmi1717, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. RogueComet

    Your saying that drifters are very limited is spot on. I personally have both maxed and have used them both quite a bit. I find that with good feathering technique (pressing space over and over) one can do almost everything that drifters can do with normal jump jets. Oh sure you can't do it for quite as long of a time, but trust me, it is plenty long enough for most things. Plus normal jets can climb.

    I stop and consider the changes to drifters with GU11 and I can't see a situation when that'd be handy to use to jet around on flat terrain when normal jets wouldn't work just fine or you'd be better off running another class like HA. If you get too far ahead of your squad (a necessity since you will be on the ground) you'll get owned by groups of enemies so it isn't like you would be using it for that. If you stick with a squad for their backup, why not just run a class with more hp (Heavy has shield) or a healing capability (Medic) or some other reason? Like I keep saying, LA needs their tool slot item for this very reason, team play.

    I will definitely admit that there are a few times that I can't reach my objectives in the air using normal jets. But they are far and few between. Instead what I often do is just climb stuff after running on the ground part of the way and make due anyways. Sacrificing the ability to climb for added distance on a horizontal run, no thanks. Elevation is the ONLY thing that sets LA apart from other classes, why would you give that up?

    So yeah, I agree with you. While I'm not sure about your F ability to switch between each, something needs to be done for LA.
  2. CuteBeaver

    It sure is neat. Reading the post above me, however makes me wonder how practical it really is. I say give people a month or two and then someone will come out with an absurd tactic that is ultra effective. If anything maybe Sony is just trying to do something similar to the infiltrators with stalker cloak? By that I mean giving you guys more then one option for a situation. It could be really specialized but its nice to have the ability to quickly change up and adapt a bit.

    ~Cheers hope they schedule this soon.
  3. Hagestol

    I'll agree to the point that they are still limited. And I've experienced being shot down because I was in front lots of times so they still leave something to be desired. But every time you're in a tight spot as a defender they are simply better.

    Why? Because they let you get far out from your spot. Thats where all the artillery is. They let you skid around corners and place C4 on tanks during assaults, from angles they don't expect you to come from. Same reason that I get so many vehicle kills as a medic - drivers don't expect you to come from that angle.

    But yeah, they need to be faster in air. It is to easy to pick you out when you fly and you have no way of changing your elevation outside of dropping and then the point is gone anyways.
  4. HeadshotVictim

    I LOVE the post-upgrade Drifters. Such fun!
    Glide up a slope with a good amount of speed (o_O? where does it come from?) and then just hover straight over the ledge to the next hill-top... *every day I'm shuffelin'* *glide* *slide* *hover*

    SO cool

    (°v°) shooohooo-owl asks: did they nerf it yet?
  5. Compass

    The nice thing about it is that it gives you run speed while ALLOWING YOU SHOOT, i.e. no draw time. Even with a carbine, CQC is pretty easy, and it's pretty fun spinning around stuff.
  6. Corezer

    Every time I notice this topic I think of man in the box...
  7. RogueComet

    Buffs are good and all but unfortunately I (and others) have found more nerfs (game play mechanics changes) to Light Assault in this GU than probably any other GU. Very disappointing in my opinion.

    On a side note, I had a LA try to use their drifter jets to strafe around me. Funny enough I was still able to track and kill him without any problems. Personally (yes it is a personal preference) I prefer regular jets, which can do nearly the same circle strafe shooting that you now get with drifter jets, plus they can climb. I do almost everything a drifter jet user can do, I just can't do it for quite as long (but I find I don't need to either.)

    To those that love the new jets, AWESOME! I'm happy for you. :)
  8. simmi1717

    which indirect nerfs did you experience?
  9. RogueComet

    Any time you are curious about nerfs to LA, please visit this thread:
    I keep it up to date for each game update.

    Be warned, some of those things might effect all classes, but I only put things on there that effect LA more than the other classes.
  10. Makwa

    Can someone confirm or deny my findings

    New drifters = not much extra speed
    Done in the VR room right off the stairs where the practice bad guys are
    Ran from first column footing to the tree on foot 3 times: 15 seconds each time
    Used drifters from first column footing to the tree: 14 seconds
  11. HeadshotVictim

    i think it said around 10% extra speed.
    So a reduction from 15 seconds to 13.5seconds.
    may not seem much, feels more in combat for me though
  12. RogueComet

    I had an enemy LA try to strafe around me with this extra speed yesterday. Since he was so low to the ground he was still a super easy kill, I just had to move my mouse a little faster than normal, no big deal. I have more difficulty shooting LA's who are hovering on the ceiling than the ones who use drifter jets.