Cannot Complete "Back on the Frontlines"

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by housefly, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. housefly

    I was told by support to post this here in hopes it gets fixed, so I am doing just that. Essentially, I made the mistake of logging out after completing the tutorial and can no longer access the place to speak to a faction representative (literally the first step of the quest), I would appreciate being able to access this place so I can finish the quest. I have tried literally everything, and nothing works- its like the area has been removed from the game completely.
  2. hollowsoulmusic

    I’m having the same problem
  3. hollowsoulmusic

    I actually figured it out just a moment ago. If you go to the large atrium near where it spawns you, then turn left, there is a gravity lift. Take that down and take the blue teleported and it will take you to the person you need to speak to