Can Your Coders Please Check for MAX Revive Bugs?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Stellus, Apr 1, 2014.

  1. Stellus

    Ever since the February 27th patch when the 30 second revive timer went in, I swear there's been some sort of revive bug for MAX's. When I'm a normal infantry in a large battle, it's almost instantaneous I get revived. When I don a MAX suit in the same battle, there are times where a dozen medics trample over my corpse without hesitation. This can't be right - has anyone else experienced this?

    Furthermore, why are MAX's given the same 30 second timer as normal infantry? If I spend 350 resources on this death trap, at least give me a little longer to find a medic to come get me up.
  2. Riddlley

    What really needs to happen is the timer gets paused by the act of reviving. Really annoying.
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  3. Regpuppy

    It takes awhile to revive maxes and when the servers lagging, you have to spend .5 to 1 seconds extra to make sure the revive goes through. Other than that, a lot of medics are either busy or just newbies. The only way to promise a revive is to hang out in squads you know are competent.
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  4. Klypto

    If it's clearly not safe I am not going to sit there for 5 seconds to revive a random max unless it's a friend.
  5. Stellus

    From most of the scenarios I remember, it was safe to revive my rotting robot carcass.
  6. NoctD

    I've ran into a friendly MAX whose corpse wasn't yet cleared, but couldn't be revived. Might be a bug!