[Suggestion] Can we talk about Player-Made-Bases?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by KillerXDLZ, Jan 25, 2021.

  1. KillerXDLZ

    I don't think construction was ever been so detached from the game as it's now. When we had HIVEs constructions actually served the purpose of helping your faction win the game.

    The current meta of bases is to build a "light air spawner" and a "router terminal", so you can use a deployable to not play construction. All other structures and buildings are useless because they'll drain your cortium faster. Let's not forget construction is designed for a solo experience: Orbital, Silo, Router Terminal, Flail, Glaive, Turret Kills. This buildings will only give experience and be acessed by the person that built them, reinforcing that construction must be played solo BUT it's impossible to defend a base that's being attacked by a group all by yourself (1 vs x) suggesting that construction is designed for a group experience.

    This doesn't make sense. I genuinely believe the "Construction" gameplay design is flawed and needs some actual changes:

    First, if construction is meant to be built as a way to protect "open bases" then most buildings need to be more resilient to being attacked in "safe zones". Currently if a platoon notices your base in a territory that will be eventually contested, it's gone. A single player under no circumstances can win against a armor column, that's a fact. There's a reason why the lattice system exists. This would help both builders and non-builders participate in bases, hopefully taking the "detached" feeling from construction.

    Second, instead of making zones that players CANNOT build, make zones that players CAN build, this would make construction extremely easier to balance because you can get rid of extremely overpowered bases that are built inside holes or on top of mountains that no one can reach. I'd say construction could be limited to territories that are MEANT to have player-made-bases. Another effect from this change would be multiple players working in the construction of the base because of less places to build.

    Third, add constructions that can benefit multiple people and not just the builder, the "router terminal" could be reworked into a replacement for the orbital satellite, allowing ALL PLAYERS to pick a router from the terminal, so instead of multiple crappy bases, we get a huge base that serves the purpose of providing routers for a large group of players. Maybe even a building that converts cortium into nanites for players that belong to the same faction.

    I do believe there are more issues with construction, but this should help fix the worse ones in my opinion, also construction needs a revision even if my suggestions are not taken into account, currently it feels completely abandoned.
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  2. TR5L4Y3R

    Latticebases should have less areas for no buildzones

    defending a Latticebase has always been an issue and has just gotten worse without the ability to deploy defensiv sundies within the base

    i don´t mind the use of OS areadenialbases or LAT bases ..

    router terminal i actualy heard should be useable byf actionmembers, not just the basecreator
    one thing i don´t understand though is why i can´t choose to have my silo or structures be used factionwide the usepermission is weirdly limited imo ... i mean i am the one one cunstructing the PMB .. therefore i also should be able to give permission to nonsquad or non-platoonmembers to access the silo when i may require a couple more turrets even if there is not much cortium in the silo ..