Can we stop Nerfing ?????

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by NoobStylerIGERI, Apr 4, 2015.

  1. MikeyGeeMan

    The fact that rebalancing takes place based on performance says that there is no vision

    Lack of where the game needs to go males it so that rebalancing has to keep occurring

    Everytime a weapon is balanced it resets everything...what was balanced becomes un balanced and that means the door is open for everything.

    I would propose the creation of a power index.

    This index would be based on current weapon statistics plus or minus the performance of the weapon in game based on player usage. That would be weighted down to 10% of actual as I think and feel that is as far as in game stats should count toward balancing. Ie two weapons on par with each other but one faction performing very well with said weapon would point to imbalances on other weapons.

    Add this all up and you get an index. When one faction has the power index higher, you don't need to Nerf but tweak so that the index comes back in line. Then reevaluate based on the next dataset if information.

    Tweaks should happen monthly we should constantly be seeing things in a state of flux. Who cares about the tears at that point the numbers end up being definitive.
    • Up x 2
  2. EliteEskimo

    I'll stop asking for nerfs when the Ravens are nerfed, all infantry AV has a max range of 300 meters, and phase 2 of the lethality revamp is put through.
  3. MikeyGeeMan

    What's stopping it from going through?

    Just put it in and lets playtest it. The test server is just should not be a place where the final decisions are made it should be after two weeks of intense production game play.

    I would prefer a more agile approach vs this waterfall stuff they do.