Can we get rid of the stupid turret already?

Discussion in 'Engineer' started by lyravega, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. lyravega

    This stupid thing is just taking up a slot. Can you add something else instead? Something that'd be much more useful, so to speak... Here are some suggestions:
    -How about a shield, a shield as big as 2-4 turret shields next to each other, that people can get behind
    -Maybe a barricade to slow down the enemy vehicle advance
    -Auto-turrets from old PS1 (one can only dream)
    -How about a "mobile" terminal? A terminal where people can resupply, but main use is to change class or weapons, much like deployed Sunderer things or the good old stationary terminals

    Now, I know that these suggestions are "a dream", so here is what I really want:
    Even if it isn't something new, I wish I could put universal utility stuff like restoration kit or health pack... on that slot. Note that, I'm not saying C4 or mines should go there, I'm saying that instead of this useless turret, I could use a restoration kit. I got the restoration kit for my engineer, only to see that it shares the same slot with my ammo box...
  2. Jokka

    You know if you press B with the turret out it turns into an ammo box right? Other than that, I would love some of those things.
  3. LittleDi

    Personal choice? Forget the shield/barricade/turret in whole.

    Give them mortar fire.
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  4. FateJH

    No, it's mine! You can't take away my precious stepping stool.
    Unless you give me an AA gun. That I can climb on.
  5. Vedo

    I'd love to use mortars. It would help out the heavies a lot too. We could keep tanks at bay while the heavies keep the Libs and lolpod spam off of us.
  6. Jokka

  7. HeVeNy

    I don't get why ppl keep complaining about the Mana turret. It is situational, yes. But I find it absolutely efficient in buildings / defending tight corridors between buildings (as in some places in amp stations). Of course I get sniped in the head with it if I drop it in large open areas. And even then, with smart placing you can minimize the sniper threat by deploying the turret in cover. One example is having a tree on the other side, and by this I mean facing the enemy general attack direction so you can shoot from cover at advancing enemy troops. Many times I can drop 3 maybe 4 troops and "wound" couple more to get assists in few seconds.

    So summasummarum, L2P with the Mana turret, working as intended

    (LittleDi:s suggestion about mortar would be damn cool if implemented right)
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  8. XanderF about because it IS 'situational'...but you don't have a choice about ALWAYS taking it with you into EVERY combat situation EVERYWHERE.

    It's right up there with the pistol sidearm for 'this is a truly useless waste of a slot, and back in the PS1 inventory-you-could-manage-days, I wouldn't have been caught dead lugging around something so worthless'.

    (Yes, I'm well aware it doubles as an ammo dump - but even that mode isn't something I need all the time.)
  9. HeVeNy

    Okidoki, if that's your gripe about it then fine. It's just that I have read so much complaining about how it is WORTHLESS cause jaddajadda... I myself would not be changing it for the world cause I seem to find good use for it all the time.

    One good example was this week when I faced two enemy soldiers by myself in large open area at Esamir. We started shooting each other and then I deployed the turret, evaded for a second and hopped in and started shooting. Those guys never stood a chance.
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  10. Krotes

    I wish I could replace turret with anything else, cause I really never use it.
  11. Calahagus

    I've got a similar story. I found myself hot-dropping onto the Traverse, right on the big *** bridge, and my allies are nowhere to be found. I get on the point, deploy my turret, and wait. Soon enough, there's two NC running down the bridge at me — a heavy and a medic. With the turret, I clean them up, and capture the base for the glory of the Vanu Sovereignty. Couldn't have done that with just a carbine, especially considering the range.

    tl;dr The turret has uses, so use it while you can. We're getting some AT stuff soon anyways. (see )
  12. XanderF

  13. SinerAthin

    How about turning the turret into something useful?

    Allowing it to specialize in AT, AA, AV, Long Range AI etc
  14. ChrisJSY

    Too many people under estimate the power of well placed turrets behind half defilade.
    Your chance of being hit (other than a sniper, they're the worst nightmare) is less and you're basically a stationary automatic railgun with 3 times the range of any other handheld weapon.

    Don't just hold the button down and hope for the best, stagger out your shots and aim for the head.

    All too many times have I seen no engineer out of dozens use them and I'm the only one, to then take out handfuls of people in a matter of moments.
  15. Tokclik

    At this point I would be happy if they just took away the turret entirely and didn't replace it with anything. At least then I wouldn't have to cycle through my tool with "b" to get to my ammo box.
  16. TheJosephChrist

    I'll take a motor with the abilities to do AP, HE or Smoke rounds. Having said that...I do use the turret from time to time. It works in great in the right situation, but mostly it just makes me a target for snipers.
  17. XanderF

    ...which would actually be useful for something, if we could upgrade the optics on the stupid thing. The default 'zoom' mode barely helps at all!
  18. Niaw Niaw

    The pistol has saved my life a few times in those situations where both I and the enemy run out of our main weapon ammo. Nevertheless, I still find the Mana turret of limited use. I wish it could shoot at aircraft or double as artillery.
  19. Sian

    I've cleaned up with the MANA turret, situationally. Otherwise it's good to block doorways and stuff.
  20. Matti

    Why not just an upgrade for the turret, to make it useful against vehicles?