Can we change resources already

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Cortosis, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Cortosis

    Resources do nothing but hurt this game and the logic behind how we get them is really bad.

    To get resources you must control territory.
    To be more effective and win in fights you need resources.

    This benefits the wining side heavily and leaves the defenders with nothing.

    I understand the idea of this is to slowly reduce the ability of defenders that have dug in but actively reducing there ability to fight is a terrible way to do it.

    To fix this we need bases to have resources that get supplied from the warpgate not players if the base has a connection to the wargate all players can get unlimited resources but as soon as the base is cut off from the warpgate it has a pool of resources maybe 5k of everything that gets depleted as its used and reconnecting it the warpgate will resupply the base as a slow rate.

    This will allow players to fight with all there ability even if they are down to there last main base AS long as they have a connection to the WG.

    Also make the WG have unlimited resources but reduce the "storage" so you cant save up 40 tank mines there is no need to have this number higher than the amount you can carry.

    TL : DR. Change how we gain resources from player gaining to base gaining and once a base gets cut off from WG it looses its supply.
  2. Tobax

    If that ever happened then I'd also want ANT style supply trucks so there was the chance of destroying them to prevent resources reaching bases.
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  3. Nyscha

    Lol GW2.
  4. Cortosis

    Yea that would be awesome say your completely cut off down to your last base and all your resources are drained from use someone drops in a ant refiles the base and BAM your all pulling armor and mines again for a short time.
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