Can we buff the T9 carv already?

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Bill Hicks, May 4, 2013.

  1. xicycometx

    I stated this on another thread, but I wanted to bring it here as well because its basically the same argument.
    Basically, the Carv in my opinion falls off as compared to the other default lmg's in general. It's a bit easier for less skilled players to use because it just shoots fast and has lots of bullets, but it doesn't reward skill as much because it's less accurate compared to the other lmg's and is bad at anything that isn't CQB.

    The only solutions I can think of is to either make it better at which it does best which is CQB. Or (the option i preferably want) give it some better attachments like the GAUSS SAW so it allows the players with more experience with the gun to benefit after certing it up. This will keep the base stats of the Carv the same, but increase its potential. (i just hope a new attachment would at least be an advanced forgrip because you can't compensate random horizontal recoil with skill or maybe even a 2x sight.)
  2. Skylight

    1. I don't know what you're smoking but at least any time I've ran around with the CARV it shreddifies people up close like nobody's business. The thing's a monster in CQC as far as I'm concerned.

    2. It's decent at medium range, get a foregrip and burst-fire. And I think you're exaggerating about the horizontal recoil. Yes, it's there, no, it's not impossible to deal with.

    3. If you're not using the Rhino, TMG, or AMR-66 for long-range you're heavy-assaulting wrong. It's as simple as that.

    My point being the basic T9 is one of the better weapons the TR HA has access to and frankly I think you're bat**** for claiming it's terrible.
  3. Skylight

    I'm a TR-only player who doesn't need or even want a buff for his favorite LMG. Am I the only one who likes this thing? I average 3.4 K/D with it :/
  4. Epic High Five

    Ever think that maybe things were different in May, 2013?
    • Up x 2
  5. DerRosaBaron

    Araxiumed the Carv 9, loved it. The way it is now is, personally, acceptable. Regardless, Malorn could still always buff it for us. Praise be to him.
  6. Fox234

    I like it. I think most TR just don't understand how effect a lot of their weapons are. Most of the weapons I find useless on TR are the pay weapons.
  7. Hoki

    Carv is fine, user error.
  8. jaktrobot

    Carv is fine, its the better lmg after em6, god saw and tm 50