Can someone explain to me

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PostalDude, May 3, 2015.

  1. PostalDude


    Why is TR still consistently underpopped ?
  2. Goldmonk

    Everyone hates us.....:(
  3. breeje

    what server?
    on cobalt i have seen TR under pop and over pop but most of the time its equal to the other factions
  4. FBVanu

    I have never seen any consistent overpop or under pop by any faction.

    It all depends on the time of day. Overall, on Connery, they are pretty balanced.. one time it's the VS , next hour the TR that have more pop.. etc.

    I love that. It always allows me to play the underdog.. where we have the most targets to shoot at.

    I doubt that the pic you are showing here is a constant , at all times of the day, all days of the week..

    Besides that, why does it matter which faction has the most pop? If you play all 3 factions, you can always choose your battles.
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  5. Pokebreaker

    It might be that AOD has some of their population playing NC.
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  6. SwornJupiter

    TR is pretty bland as a faction. After a certain point you realise that all of their weapons are mostly the same and they lack the arsenal diversity of the other factions. Maybe that's why.
    But, I've sworn my allegiance to the republic since day 1 :p
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  7. DCWarHound

    At one point VS was like 40%

    I've never seen VS underpop on cobalt though.
  8. RedArmy

    their not underpopulated - it usually depends on whos winning what. if the NC or VS typically set a track record of winning alerts, bam now they have pop control
  9. 00000000000000000000

    AOD has driven out a lot of TR players from Emerald (either to other factions or to other servers)

    And then AOD abandoned TR to go 50/50 with NC so its even worse now.

    I feel bad for Emerald TR but the problems of one faction on one server is not a game issue.
  10. Jbrain

    tr isn't that under poped its pretty even most of the time.. I even have a tr alt I play. certainly isn't anything wrong with them. I think a lot of people started out as tr just moved on and eventually the cycle will shift again.
  11. omfgweeee

    I have alt TR on Emerald i play when i can to support you guys :/ I have noticed that TR are always UP on Emerald too and i was wondering is it something broken in pop tracker on that server because i never seen TR not being UP on Emerald.
  12. Cinnamon

    In Europe many players are Russian and they stack up on team communist. This creates an empire balance issue.
  13. Devrailis

    Emerald TR are noticeably underpopped when I am on. It's not uncommon to see the pop breakdown look like a valley where TR is somewhere in the high 20s.

    I don't believe AOD playing on other factions can entirely explain the underpop that TR is currently experiencing. I don't feel that TR is especially underpowered at the moment, though Strikers and Fractures need a pass to make them actually relevant.

    TR just needs something to make them more interesting to play.

    NC is full of fun toys, even when they aren't effective, they're fun.

    VS has an entirely different aesthetic to the other two factions that attracts many players.

    TR is mechanically bland compared to the other two, which is a pity.