Can not cap A point even though previous base is secure.

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by NotziMad, Dec 9, 2020.

  1. NotziMad

    This is a really old bug, as in, I saw it starting to happen 2 or 3 years ago. But it really doesn't happen very often.

    At the time it seemed to happen only on Esamir and only on Waterson's.

    If you are back capped, you can not cap the A point until at least one of the previous bases has secured A points.

    When this bug happens, you can't cap the A point even though the previous base is secured.

    Workaround is to let another faction cap the point, that fixes the problem, but that can't only happen if the other faction is even able to cap that A point in the first place.

    I made bug reports on this bug previously and one of the discussions was whether it could be an exploit, as in, players intentionally bugging the A point.

    Anyway, seeing as this bug is a few years old and still hasn't been fixed, even though in many cases, it's game breaking (for exmple, right now on Coblat, each faction only has one lane, and VS is stuck, unable to cap.)) I would just like to say :

    DBG U ******* SUCK.

    EDIT ---->>>> allowing opposing faction to back cap you, and then securing the points once again worked in this case (but it's strange cause we tried this in the past and it didn't work)
  2. NotziMad

    PS. I got that wrong, to fix this you have to let someone of the other faction cap your point and then take it back (not let someone from other facction take the point you are trying to take)

    Also, I found my other bug report on this, here it is :