Can NC infantry counter fury/marauder harassers?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by rockNoob, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. rockNoob

    Apart from mines I don't think of any other option. The lock on launcher will allways miss, phoenix is too slow and small arms fire don't do any damage. Do you have any ideas?
  2. Sinoby

    Dumbfires, mines, LockOn from some elevation, AV max.
  3. rockNoob

    Ravens are too slow and the max itself is too expensive if u don't pull it out inside a biolab and recover ur res. I should try dumbfires and the standard falcons. Does the sunderer have some guns that are more effective against the harasser?
  4. Chipay

    I've asked me the same question.
    Luckely VS has the has the Lancer to easely deal with harassers, but i have no idea how NC would deal with them...
  5. Goretzu

    Guns will damage them, it won't save you, of course, but they'll damage them.
  6. Compass

    Considering all Sunderers have the same set of weapons, no, there is no magic way TR and NC have of dealing with the same infantry, except with dismounts.
  7. BraSS

    Its not just NC, the harasser itself doesnt fit into the game very well. High speed and durability shouldnt be traits on the same vehicle.
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  8. rockNoob

    TR has fractures and VS lancers + vortex. Quite expensive but it could be a platoon of newbs saving. NC has very very accurate weapons but that only work for longer ranges and slower vehicles. This double XP weekend I've seen and had fury/marauder farms that terrified me.
  9. Goretzu

    1. Great speed and manoverability.
    2. Great firepower.
    3. Great durability.

    The Harraser has all 3, it should only have 2 of those 3.

    I'd argue that it should be 3. it loses, both in raw armour and in being able to be repaired whilst still moving from the back seat.
  10. Kevorkian

    This right here. And because of this, Harasser is the #1 ground vehicle in the game.
  11. Shoza Nakh

    10 infantry troopers will blow up Harasser just in seconds. I don't know why no one shooting them. Same for hovering ESF farmers, just shoot them with small arms.
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  12. rockNoob

    ye, good luck against a max composite harasser, you don't get it below 50% health before he unleashes his entire clip and gets 10 kills then bails out with AB and the pocket engi gets the harasser at full health in the next 5 secs
  13. KlyptoK

    Call for Armor support.

    I don't know how your Magriders deal with them.
  14. Shoza Nakh

    Just pull such Harasser, unload any LMG clip to it and watch the results. You will be surprised.
  15. Chipay

    It's okay if you have a decent Saron gunner, other than that you're pretty much screwed with the awesome turning speed of the maggy :rolleyes:
  16. Oblomoff

    Last time I tried shooting an abandoned harasser it took almost all my carbine ammo to destroy it point-blank. Same with ESF - both those things have the capability to escape the inaccurate over long distances, small arms fire (and repair on the move but that's discussed enough I don't want to derail the topic). Honestly, I'd get rid of composite armour on harassers and be done with it.
  17. KenDelta

    Pheonix best harasser counter ever, 2 hits. if you manage to land 1 pheonix , the rest of your teammates should be able to do the rest.
  18. HadesR

    Yup because infantry has nothing else to worry about but shooting Harasser's :rolleyes:

    But on topic .. Found the Anni works well .. Pretty much a 100% hit if fired from an elevated position
  19. Chris Bingley

    This, a thousand times THIS!!!!! :)

    You don't need AT weaponry to hurt Harassers, Flashes and ESFs. Small arms will do the trick (although it helps to have something geared towards taking it down to add to the damage).
  20. Cinnamon

    There is no farm unless people play like farm animals.

    But AP lightening is a popular counter right now. Will still be wrecked one on one against a good av harasser but it does good damage and gives people hope of being a solo hero which is important for them. Against an infantry farming harasser, sure, it will win, if they stick around long enough.